Monday 14 August 2023

Magical Tales : Delightful children stories to ignite imagination And Wonder.

  Story (1) 

   Stomach Problems

The Simpleton and the Landlord

In Burma, a wealthy landlord decided to build a rest house for wandering monks. He invited the men of the village to work on the project, but he did not offer to pay them. The villagers were afraid to refuse, so they all came to help, except for the village simpleton.

The simpleton sat on a log and watched the others work. He was amazed by their industry, but he knew that he could not work on an empty stomach.

The landlord saw the simpleton sitting on the log and became angry. "Why aren't you working?" he shouted.

"I would like to work," said the simpleton, "but I am hungry. Who can work on an empty stomach?"

The landlord saw that the simpleton was a strong man, so he ordered his servants to feed him. The simpleton ate and ate until he was full. Then he went back to work.

The landlord was pleased with the simpleton's work, but he was still suspicious. He came back to the worksite later that day and saw the simpleton sitting on the log again.

"Why aren't you working?" the landlord shouted.

"I would like to work," said the simpleton, "but I am full. Who can work on a full stomach?"

The landlord was so angry that he chased the simpleton away. The simpleton went home, but he never forgot the lesson he had learned: it is better to work on an empty stomach than to be full of excuses.

Story (2) 
The Royal Servant
The king of Kamera in Africa was a proud and Stern man, feared by all his subjects.
One day while sitting in his mud palace, surrounded by fawning courtiers and watched by a multitude of people who had come to see him ,he was suddenly overcome by a sense of grandeur and loudly declared that he was master of the world and that all men were his servants.
         You are mistaken," said a frail voice . "All men are servants of one another."
A deathly silence followed the remark. The blood froze in the veins of the people assembled there . Then the king exploded in anger.
      "Who said that!" he demanded, rising from the royal stool." Who dares suggest that I am a servant!!"
         I do "said a voice in the crowd ,and ,and the people parted to reveal a white -haired old man, leaning heavily on a stout stick.
"Who are you? Asked the king.
"I am Boubakar" said the man. "We have no water in our Village .I have come to ask for a well to be dug there ." 
"So you are a beggar!" roared the king, striding down to where the man stood. "Yet you have the temerity to call me a servant! " 
             "We all serve one another " said Boubakar , showing no fear , " and I will prove it to you before nightfall." 
" Do that " said the monarch. "Force me to wait on you .If you can do that I will have not one but three Wells dug in your Village. But if you fail ,you will lose your head 
"In our Village" said the old man " When we accept a challenge, we touch the person's feet . Let me touch your feet. ,  Hold my stick." 
The king took the stick and the old man bent down and touched the monarch 's feet .
"Now you may give it back to me." he said, straightening up  .The king gave him back his stick .
"Do you want any more proof? asked Boubaker.
Proof? asked the king , bewildered.
"You held my stick when I asked you to and gave it back to me, when I asked you for it," said the old man, all good men are servants of one another." 
The king was so pleased with Boubaker's wit and daring that he not only had wells dug in his village but also retained as an adviser.
        Story (3) 

"Smiling Woman"

           There was an old woman who was always in tears .One day a monk asked her why she was always so sad.
"It's like this " said the woman. "One of my daughters is married to an umbrella seller while the other is married to a noodle maker .If it's sunny I feel sorry for the daughter who is married to the umbrella seller because I know her husband will not sell any umbrellas that day.If it's cloudy and looks like it's going to rain I feel sorry for my other  daughter.
Noodles have to be dried in the sun and if it's raining I know her husband won't have any noodles to sell the next day .
         In these parts it's nearly always either cloudy or sunny .That is why I'm always so sad.You will agree with me that it is not all possible for me to be happy in such circumstances.
           "As a matter of fact you are one of the fortunate few who are ideally placed to be happy at all times" said the monk.
"The next time It's raining do not think of your daughter who is married to the noodle maker .Think only of your daughter who is married to the umbrella seller. Imagine  pleasure of your daughter and Sun in law 's joy.Take delight in their happiness.If it's sunny think only of the daughter who is married to the noodle maker. Imagine her husband's joy at being able to make so many noodles . Imagine your daughter's joy.Take delight in their happiness." 
                   The woman did as the monk advised, and from then on nobody ever saw her with a sad face. She became known as the "Smiling Woman ".

          "The Farmer And The Well"

Once upon a time,in a for off Village ,there lived a farmer named Raju. He had recently purchased a small form in the village.
During one such year there happened to be very little rainfall.And there wasn't any provision for a canal nearby either.
And so the farmer was worried as he stood up and down thinking how he would arrange water for his crops.
Oh' no ,all my crops will die if I don't find any water.How will I feed my family.
O Lord, please help me .Just than ,the farmer saw a well full of water in a nearby form.
The form belonged to one of his acquaintances ,and so he decided to walk up and borrow some water for his crop.
Hello Raghu, can we talk for a moment? I noticed that there is a well on your form.and I was wondering,if you would be interested in selling it to me.I need water for my crops, and there is no canal nearby.Raghu  being the greedy farmer emidiatly agree to sell the water.
  Well I am not using the well ,so I could sell it you.But once I sell it ,I won't take it back.It is of no use to me anyway.You can have it.That's sound fair ,Thank you Raghu and give him money.
     The next day , Raju went to the form to draw water from the well,But Raghu stopped him.He decided to implement his cunning plan.
Wait Raju. ,I only sold you the well,not the water in it.If you want the water,you will have to pay more for it.
"But that is not what we agreed upon" Raju said.
"You said you wouldn't take the Well back once you sold it to me,"Raju argued ."But I didn't sell you the water in it". Raghu Firmly said.
Raju felt cheated and decided to approach the king for justice.
Akbar immediately sent the case to Birbal who was known for his wisdom.
Birbal console Raju and said I would help you solve your problem and get you justice from Raghu.
Let's go to the well .The next day , Birbal and Raju went to the well.Raghu appeared and stopped Raju from taking the water and said " I only sold the well to Raju not the water in it.
If you say that the water in the well is  yours,than you must immediately vacate the Well of your water.If you say that the water in the well is yours,than you must immediately vacate the Well of your water.since the Well belong to Raju,he want it without water.You have three days to remove all your water and give the Well to Raju .If you are unable to do so ,you will have to pay penelty and jail term for it.
Raghu Knew it was impossible to remove all the water from the Well ,So he accepted his defeat, and agreed not to stop Raju from taking water from the Well 
"You have been caught in your own trap Raghu" Said Birbal .
Raghu learnt the lesson and he never cheated anyone.
Story 5

Whatever Happens, Happens For The Best"

The Jewish rabbi , Akiba was traveling to a distant land , beyond a desert .One evening, he arrived at a small village, and decided to spend the night there.But to his astonishment and dismay, he found that the villagers were extremely suspicious of travellers.No one would give him shelter .
        It is hard to believe that any people can be so inhospitable " thought the rabbi."But after all , God is just, and whatever happens, happens for the best "  He had only four possessions besides the clothes on his back:a book , a lamp,
a cock that used to wake him at dawn with its crowing, and an ass on which he rode.On being refused shelter by the villagers, he went some distance ahead,and settled himself under a tree.
He lit his lamp and opened his book so that he might read a few pages before going to sleep.He had read only a page when a gust of wind blew out the light .
"What !" Exclaimed the rabbi." "Am I not permitted even to read? But God is just , and whatever happens, happens for the best." 
He stretched himself on the cold, bare earth to try to get a few hours' sleep.Just as he was dozing off,there was a cry of alarm from his cock followed by a loud flapping of wings.A wolf had caught the bird.
"My faithful companion gone!" thought the rabbi, " and in such a ghastly manner. But God is just , and whatever happens, happens for the best."
Still later that night, a lion pounced on the ass and carried it away . Once again the Rabbi told himself that whatever had happened, had happened for the best.
After a sleepless night, he went back to the village to see if he could obtain a horse to carry him the rest of the way, but to his horror he found that all the houses had been plundered and their inhabitants slaughtered by robbers , during the night.
"Had these people not turned me away,I would have perished with them." thought the Rabbi , " and had the wind not blown out my light,the robbers would have detected my presence, and had wild beasts not carried away my animals , the noises they made would have betrayed my presence to those marauders , and I too would have lost my life.God is just ,and whatever happens, happens for the best 

Chapter 6 

Tug Of War

There was a Rabbit who enjoyed playing tricks on other animals . One day as he was walking in the wood near the sea, he came across a huge elephant pulling out and eating leaves from a tree. 

"How are you Mr. Elephant ?" he called out ' " my, how much you eat!"

"This is because I am so big" Replied the elephant". "Small animals like you don't need much Food, but large and powerful animals like me need a lot ! 
"Large you certainly are !" said the rabbit, But powerful....?
" You don't think I' am powerful  ? asked the elephant, sounding surprised , and also a little annoyed . 
"I' am sure you are" said the rabbit ." But are you more powerful than me ?   
The elephant thought he had not heard right . 
"Powerful? You ? " 
Yes , me ." 
The elephant doubled up with laughter. 
" You are laughing because you don't know how strong I am" said the rabbit . " If you let me tie a rope around your middle , I will drag you into sea."      
"Drag me into the sea? !":laughed the elephant" Hoo-Hoo-hoooo!! We'll go ahead! Tie a rope around me and let me see how for you can pull me!" 
The rabbit tied a thick rope around the elephant's body.
"When you feel a tug on the rope ,be ready to pull , he said.  " Or you will be dragged into the sea before you know what's happening.! 
"Please don't pull too hard " mocked the elephant.
The rabbit ran to the seashore with the other end of the rope .
He saw a whale swimming some distance away, and called out to it. When the whale drew near he said, " Mr Whale you are so big but are you strong.?
"I am the strongest animal on Earth!" bellowed the whale .
I will show you how wrong you are,;". Said the rabbit."Let me tie this rope around your middle," 
" And then?"
I will drag you ashore " 
The whale doubled up with laughter." 
"All right, go ahead." he giggled .Tie your rope around me and pull me out!" 
The rabit tied the rope securely around the whale's middle.Then he ran ashore and rushing   into the woods,hid behind a tree and shouted,"PULL.".
The elephant,intending to throw,the rabbit High into the sky to frighten him, wrapped his trunk around the rope and gave a mighty heave upwards .The whale counterd with a tug that almost brought the elephant to his knees .
The two animals, hidden from each other's sight  by the trees in between, marvelled at the strength of the rabbit.
They pulled and heaved and exerted their strength to the utmost, but neither could get the better of the other.Finnally the rope broke and the two animals fled in opposite directions.
From then on whenever the elephant saw the rabbit he would quickly hide himself or run away,to the great amusement of the rabit                                                                     Story 7

              Fair Division 

A wealthy pilgrim three a purse full of money towards three beggars sitting outside a temple.One of the beggars had only one eye, the second hand only one arm and the third had only one leg .Each of them felt that it was his particular disability that had drawn the sympathy of the alms giver and so each man claimed the lion's share of the money in the purse . They finally took their dispute to Tenali Raman ,As Raman was pondering over the case the beggars broke in upon his thoughts to urge him to be impartial.

"The money was given in the name of God," said the one eyed beggar.So distribute it as God would." 
"Yes,  Yes" echoed the other two.
"Distribute it as God would." 
"That is easily done," said Raman .
He threw a single coin to one of them, dropped a handful in the hands of the second man and gave the remaining to the third beggar.
"Is this a joke? Shouted the man who had been given only one coin.
"Do you call this a fair distribution? Whimmed his companion.
"You said I should distribute it as God
Would," said Raman ."And you should know better than anybody else that God never distributes anything equally among men."

Story 8
Unreasoning Fear 

There was a lion who feared nothing except the crowing of Cocks.A chill would go down his spine whenever he heard a cock crowing.
One day he confessed his fear to the elephant,who was greatly amosed.
"How can the crowing of a cock hurt you? He asked the lion."Think about it."
Just then a mosquito began circuling the elephant 's head , frightening him out of his wits.
"If it gets into my ear I 'm doomed! he shrieked ,failing at the insect with his trunk.
Now it was the lion's turn to feel amused.
#Moral , :If we could see our fears as others see them we would realise that most of our fears make no sense!
                      Story (9)


A mouse living in a farmhouse peeped out from his hole, one day, and got the shock of his life.The farmer was displaying a mousetrap he had bought, to his wife.
Panic -sticken he ran out to consult his neighbours.But they were not at all helpful.
"Poor You," said the dog ."But Master knows best, We have to bow to his decisions."
"Bad luck" clucked the hen and rushed to catch a worm.
"Obviously Master does not want you around! guffawed the goat.

The mouse cowered in his hole that night,not daring to go out.
When the lights went out, a loud sound was heard.Some animal had sprung the trap.
The farmer's wife came out of the bedroom and picked up the trap.In the darkness she did not see the snake dangling from it .The snake bit her and she fell unconscious.
The farmer rendered first aid and then seething with anger shot the dog for letting the snake come in. 
His wife developed fever the next day and became very weak.Somebody told the farmer that chicken soup would restore her strength.So he killed the hen and made soup.
But the woman died a few days later, Many relatives came for the funeral and stayed on.
The farmer slaughtered the goat to feed them.
Thus the trap destroyed all the animals except the one it had been intended for!
Moral : Our lives are interwinwd so don't be indifferent to other's plight.
              Story ( 10)

The Fairest of Them all 

An eagle once promised an owl in return for a favour,that he would never ever harm the owl's chicks.
"But do you know what my chicks look like? asked the mother owl  doubtfully."How can I be sure that you won't mistake them for some other bird's? 
"Well " said the eagle."Describe them to me ,,so that I can recognise them." 
Actually,they cannot be mistaken for any other birds," said the owl,her chest puffing up the pride.".They are soft , fluffy,and by far the prettiest young ones you could ever see.
             One evening,the eagle came upon a nest filled with screeching fledglings,their red mouths agape.He paused , then thought,"Surely these are not the owl's chicks .She said they are very beautiful,but these chicks look hideous" And he swooped down without a second thought and ate them all.
Returning to her nest ,the mother owl found it empty save for a few bloodied feathers . 
"How could the eagle have forgotten his promise? She wailed " I told him my chicks were the most beautiful in the world." 
Moral: Every Mother thinks that her own children are the best."
                 Story (11) 

The Monkeys go a Fasting

A group of monkeys decided to go on a fast one day."
"Before we begin,I think we should keep the food with which we will break the fast ready, counselled the old monkey chief.
The monkeys nodded their heads in agreement.The youngsters were sent in search of food.They returned with huge hands of delicious -looking bananas.
"I Think each of us should keep our share of bananas with us before we begin our fast, so that we don't spend time distributing them after we break our past .You can imagine how hungry we all will be by then! Said the chief'swife.
The moneys liked the idea and they collected their share of bananas.
"Why don't we peel one anana and keep it ready to eat." said one of the youngsters.
"Yes let's do that " shouted a fat monkey in agreement.Just looking at the bananas was making him hungry.
All right," said the money chief."We shall peel the bananas but under no condition should we eat them."
So the monkeys peeled their bananas and carefully kept them ready for eating in the evening.
"Can I keep the banana in my mouth? I Promise not to eat it till  evening .please!" a little money asked his father.
"Why don't we all put a banana in our mouth? That we can chew it immediately when we break the fast," said the father,who had agreed to on the fast only because his wife had not given him a choice. As long as we don't eat it,it should be fine"he added.
So ,the monkeys put the bananas in their mouth.One by one they eyed each other uncomfortably as they began their fast -and as you can imagine, within no time at all , the bananas disappeared down their gullets.And that was the end of their fast 
                   Story 12

The Colourless Horse 

One day,Some of Krishnadeva Raya's courtiers ,in a moment of intense loyalty,told him they would do anything for him.
"Is that so?" asked the emperor, a mischievous look comming into his eyes. "Then get me a colourless horse,not white or black or brown or of any intermediate shade,It should be colourless !"
Thereafter,every time he met the courtier, he would enquire about the horse and enjoy their discomfiture .The courtiers finally asked Tenali Raman to help them.
The next day, Raman accompanied the courtiers to the place and when the emperor,as usual, asked them if they had found the horse,Raman replied that they had ,and that it was at his house.
"I will send someone to fetch it " said the emperor.
"Not today,your Majesty," said Raman."Please don't send him on a Monday or a Tuesday or a Tuesday or a Wednesday."
"On Thursday? " Asked the emperor.
"Not on a Thursday or a Friday either," said Raman.
"And please don't send him on a Saturday or Sunday.Send him on any other day.
The emperor laughed in acknowledge of defeat and never asked about a colourless horse again.
Story 12

"The Monster In the Cave."

A Female hare passing by a cave heard 
loud sounds coming from it.
"There's some fearful creature hidding there! She thought and hurried away.She told everyone there  was a monster holed up in the cave.
Soon a large number of animals,big and small gathered outside it.
Let us demand that it come out! Said the fox .
Is that a good idea ? asked the lion , doubtfully."Oh, all right, go ahead."
The fox went close to the mouth of the cave and shouted: hu
"King Lion demands that you show yourself.!
The lion cringed he had not expected the fox to name him.
Little did he suspect that the creature inside ,far from being a hideous monster was one of his tiniest subjects,a frog.Though small it had an extraordinarily loud voice.
The frog thought fast .He shouted back.
"Who dares talk so rudely to me! See, I am throwing out one of my slippers.
It will turn into a frog and swallow your king!
And with that ,the frog leapt out of the cave with a loud croak.
Seized with terror ,the lion turned and bounded away,and his subjects following his example fled pell-mell in all directions.The frog hopped placidly to his home in a nearby pond, vowing never to go exploring again.

      Story 13

    "The Man who wanted Nothing"

WALI DAD was a carpenter who lived alone and worked hard the whole day long. long.His tastes were simple and his wants few,so he spent very little of the money he earned.One day he found that the jar in which he kept his money was full to the brim.
"I must empty it," he thought, "Or I will have no container for my money."
He took the jar to the local jweller, emptied it's contents on the floor and asked the jweller to give him a bracelet worth the sum.The jweller gave a pretty little bracelet made of gold.
Wali Dad wondered what he should do with the bracelet.He saw a merchant at the head of a line of camels laden with goods,and asked him where he was going.
"To the palace" said the merchant, importantly." The princes has ordered some clothes." 
"Will you give her this bracelet too." Said the carpenter, handling over the bracelet he had bought to him ""Tell her it is gift from Wali Dad."
The princes liked the bracelet and sent him a camel -load of the finest silks in return.
"What will I do with these silks? groaned
Wali Dad when the merchant brought the heavily laden camel to him."
"Give them to someone else,suggested the merchant.
"Perhaps the Sultan of Kesh."
So Wali Dad sent the silk to the Sultan who , delighted with the gift,sent him six of his finest horses.
Wali dad sent them on to the princes.
"Who is this wali Dad ?And why is he sending me gifts? She asked her advisor.
"Probably somebody who wants to impress you with his wealth." Said
the advisor." " Send him a gift that he can not match.That will humble his pride.
The princes sent him 20 mules laden with silver.Not wishing to be burdened by so much wealth.Wali Dad sent the silver to the Sultan.The Sultan was perplexed.
" Who is this Wali Dad ?And why is he sending me gifts"? he asked his advisor.
"Probably somebody who wants to impress you with his wealth,said the advisor.Send him a gift that he cannot match.That should humble him."
The Sultan sent Wali Dad 20 cartloads of precious stones which Wali Dad promptly rerouted to the princess .The princess,her curiosity piqued, decided to pay him a visit.She set out secretly,taking only her maid with her.Their enquiries led them to the humble dwelling of the carpenter.As they were looking around in bewilderment, a handsome man of regal bearing came riding towards them.It was the Sultan of Kesh .He too had decided to make the acquaintance of the mysterious Wali Dad .The Sultan and the princess fell in love with each other,at first sight.After a short courtship,they announced their marriage.
Wali Dad was now a famous man.As he refused to go to either of their palaces ,the prices and the sultan sent him a chest full of gold.But it was never delivered.When Wali Dad saw the Sultan's men bringing the gold,he fled the village and was never seen again.

                       Story 13

The Best Artist" 

A despotic Sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture .
"If you do a bad portrait,I will punish you,he warned," but if you do a good one I will reward you.Now start !"
The first artist produced a picture that
Showed the sultan as he was , blind in one eye.
The sultan had him executed for showing disrespect to his monarch.
The second artist showed him both eyes intact.
The sultan had him flogged for trying to flatter him .
The third artist drew him in profile, showing only his good eye.
The sultan, pleased , rewarded him with gold and honors.
                   Chapter 14

The Peacemakers

There was a danger of war breaking out between the different groups of animals in a forest,so the animals appointed three peacemakers, a tortoise, a boar,and a tiger.
The peacemakers met to decide how to go about their work.
Let us get to know each other,t5 said the tiger ." Let us each tell the others what we hate most so that we don't offend each other unintentionally."
I hate it when anybody talks about me in my absence,"confessed the tortoise.
" I hate it when anyone steps on my tail." Said the boar.
"I hate it when anybody looks at me with hostility in his eyes,said the tiger.
Soon after, the tortoise excused himself to go to the bathroom.
"I wonder why he doesn't like being talked like being talked about" laughed the tiger.
"He knows that if anybody talks about him at all it is only to comment on his ciumsiness ,and to mock that ridiculous shell on his back,said the boar , giggling.
The tortoise had not really left.He had hidden himself to listen to their conversation,Now seething with anger,he came back to confront them
The tiger was roused to fury when he saw the hostility in the tortoise 's eye.
Growling,he took a step forward,and in doing so stepped on the boar's tail.This angered the boat.He turned around and gored the tiger with his tusk.
With the peace shattered by the peacemakers themselves,a great war broke out in the forest.
Historians say the war could have averted if the tortoise had not been so sensitive and ....oh, well,let's not talk about him behind his back.

Whinning And Dinning

Mosquito spotted Iguana basking near the pond.She flew up to him and said",Hey , Iguana, I just saw a farmer digging up potatoes that were as big as me!
Iguana was annoyed at being disturbed and snapped, "What's  a mosquito compared to a potato? I would rather be deaf than hear such nonsense! And he stuck twigs in his ears and stomped off.
When Python saw laguna pass by ,he said a friendly "Hello" . Iguana seemed not to hear.
"Iguana is angry " thought Python."I better hide ." and quickly slitherd into a Rabbit hole.
Rabbit was so startled she jumped out of her burrow and hared away .Crow saw her and cawed loudly in alarm. Monkey heard Crow and leaped from branch to branch,shrieking disaster.
Crack! A branch broke under Monkey's weight.It fell into Owl's nest , crushing one of her babies.When Owl returned,she was overcome by sorrow and stopped hooting .The Sun did not rise the next day as he depends on Owl,'s wake up call.
Lion summoned all the animals.He asked Owl why she hadn't woken the sun.
"Monkey killed my owlet," she said sadly.
" I am in no mood to awaken the sun.
When Money was questioned, the entire chain of events was revealed.IT was Iguana who had caused all the trouble! 
Iguana,of course, didn't hear a thing because he still had twigs in his ears .
Lion pulled them out chuckling.
"Now  ,Iguana ,What all this ? Python says you snubbed him this morning."
"What I never ...I never even heard him!" Stuttered Iguana." It was mosquito! She narrated a tall tale that spoiled my whole morning."
When Owl heard they 'd found the culprit,
She let out a loud hoot The Sun rose and the animals cheered.
That's better!"said Lion." But where is Mosquito? She must be punished!" 
All  animals looked around eagerly.But Mosquito was nowhere to be found.She had been eavesdropping all the while and felt so wretched,she dared not show her face.To this day , she suffers a guilty conscience.She buzzes and whines in people's ears ,even as she dines on their blood:" Zeeee, Zeeee ....Is everyone still angry with me?
And an irritated slap is all she gets for an answer!
                     Story 16
The king Of Fruits
Gopal Bhand had a large appetite and was known to eat enormous quantities of food especially when invited to feasts.One day a zamidar decided to test his capacity and invited him to lunch.
Gopal ate as much as three men would have done and then emitted a loud belch.
"Enough?" asked his host .
"No place for even a grain of rice more," said Gopal.
Just then a servant came in with a plate of mango slices.
"Mango!" Exclaimed Gopal,his mouth watering.He took the plate from the servant and ate all the slices.
"Amazing," said the zamindar." You said you did not have place for even a single grain of rice yet you devoured almost three mangoes.How do you explain that.?" 
"Very simple" said Gopal ."What happens when you walk into a crowded room? Everybody steps aside to let your royal person pass.Something similar happened here .The mango being the king of fruits,all the food in my stomach made way for it.
                         Story 17

OWL'S NIght Out

A long time ago, Everything -Maker was busy creating plants, animals and the other things that you now find on earth.
He gave Owl a body , a loud voice, strong wings  and two eyes and then turned to attend to Rabit.
"Give me a long neck like the swan's ," hooted Owl, " and a beak like the hawk's !
"Okay ,I will give you everything as soon as I finish with Rabit."replied Everything -Maker."And now,I want you to turn around and close your eyes.You know that I don't like anyone watch me work.!"
Everything maker noticed that Rabbit was trembling and so he asked him gently," Do you want something, little one?
"Yes" said Rabbit timidly." Long legs and ears...a fang   .  .and a few claws, please!
"Why do you want a fang ?" asked everything -maker inn surprise."
"Silly Rabbit!" said Owl ." Ask for something useful,like wisdom!
"Be quiet, Owl !" Said Everything -Maker sternly.
"You have to give us what we ask for,"shouted Owl turning around to look at Everything -Maker." And I demand wisdom."
"I had enough of you! said Everything -Maker angrily.And he went to Owl and pressed his head down into his body until the neck disappeared.He gave the bird such a shake that his eyes became wide in fright and then he pulled his ears until they stuck out from his head.
Then snapping his fingers, Everything -Maker told Owl," I have made your ears big, the better to listen.I have made your eyes big,the better to see.I have made your neck short,the better to hold up your head.And I have packed your head with Wisdom,as you have asked.Now ,use your wisdom and fly away before you lose it.!
Everything -Maker then turned to Rabbit to give him his fangs and claws but the little creatures was not to be seen anywhere .
Meanwhile,Owl flew away fast ,knowing well that if he made Everything -Maker  angry again,he would lose all that he had been given.
And since then ,Owl has been coming out only at night, After Everything Maker has gone to sleep.
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Saturday 6 March 2021

Solving Life's Puzzles: Navigating Through Different Situations with Ease

##Master Life's Rubik's Cube: Navigate Situations with Ease

*Solving Life's Puzzles: Navigating Through Different Situations with Ease

Life, much like a captivating Rubik's Cube, throws a myriad of situations our way, each seemingly tangled and complex. Yet, just like that satisfying click as the colors align, navigating these challenges with ease is not only possible, but also empowering. So, how do we become masters of life's puzzles, turning confusion into clarity and chaos into calm?

Step One:

 Assess the Pieces: Before attempting any solve, the first step is understanding the puzzle in front of you. Take a deep breath, step back, and analyze the situation. What are the key elements? What information do you have? Where are the potential sticking points? By taking a mindful inventory, you gain a clear perspective and avoid rushing into knee-jerk reactions.

Step Two: 

Consider Different Angles: A single perspective often limits our ability to see solutions. Try viewing the situation from various angles, seeking insights from friends, mentors, or even online communities. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can reveal hidden pathways and spark innovative approaches. Remember, there's rarely just one "right" solution, so embrace the flexibility of multiple viewpoints.

Step Three:

 Experiment and Pivot: Life's puzzles rarely offer straightforward solutions. Be willing to experiment with different approaches, even if they seem unconventional. Don't be afraid to pivot if something isn't working. Flexibility and adaptability are key allies in navigating unforeseen hurdles. Embrace the journey of trial and error, learning from each attempt and refining your strategy along the way.

Step Four:

 Embrace Uncertainty: Let's face it, life isn't always predictable. Sometimes, even with careful planning, things might not go according to plan. Instead of panicking, learn to embrace uncertainty as a natural part of the puzzle. Develop your resilience, allowing yourself to adapt and flow with the unexpected turns. Remember, navigating the unknown can often lead to the most rewarding discoveries.

Step Five:

 Celebrate Progress: Solving life's puzzles is a marathon, not a sprint. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each step forward, each lesson learned, adds to your growing toolkit of wisdom and experience. By appreciating your journey, you stay motivated and build the confidence to tackle even the most complex challenges.

Bonus Tip: Sharpen Your Tools: Just like any skillful puzzler, equip yourself with the right tools. Cultivate critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills. Practice mindfulness and emotional intelligence to navigate challenging situations with a calm and focused mind. Remember, the more tools you have at your disposal, the easier it becomes to decipher life's intricate puzzles.

In conclusion, remember, life's puzzles are not meant to overwhelm us, but to empower us. By approaching them with a strategic mindset, a flexible spirit, and a dash of self-compassion, we can navigate through different situations with ease, finding joy and fulfillment along the way. So, go forth, engage with the puzzles life throws your way, and become the master of your own extraordinary path

Sometimes we carry the pressure of circumstances together, sometimes it happens that we feel the pressure of one situation in another. There is no connection between these pressures. This happens many times throughout the day and sometimes for many days. The effect of this is that the number of thoughts in our brain increases, which reduces our efficiency, and the ability to understand. From the position of, the words that come out and work are inappropriate, powerless, baseless, and unclear. To ensure that we do not carry this much emotional pressure, we have to remove many false beliefs from the emotional equation which is the root cause of pressure on us and instead we will have to embrace other forces of life: what is the success of our idea based on wrong beliefs? What is failure? What is victory, defeat? Let's go together. Although we believe that these beliefs are true but they are not true, they are like a mouthpiece that changes our attitude towards reality and creates feelings of pressure in us. But there is a deeper truth than recognition.
: We know that through yoga and meditation we can beat the negative forces of life, we can increase our inner strength, spiritual knowledge, deep understanding and knowledge will be important tools for us.
: so in a state of pressure, I stayed for a while, and at that moment pay attention to our thoughts, see what beliefs it is based on, then to see them clearly we can Use the Shakti that we have received from the meditation of spiritual knowledge. Once we correct the assumptions, then the level of our thoughts will also change.


Life coaching services
Personal development solutions
Problem-solving strategies
Life challenges resolution
Coping with adversity tips
Overcoming daily hurdles
Navigating life situations
Finding solutions in tough times
Personal challenges guidance
Handling life's puzzles
Resilience in the face of challenges
Adaptive problem-solving
Trending life strategies
Coping with modern life
Emerging life challenges
Problem resolution techniques
Adapting to diverse situations
Life puzzle navigation
Emotional intelligence skills
Overcoming obstacles in life 


*Frequently Asked Questions about "Solving Life's Puzzles: Navigating Through Different Situations with Ease"*

1. *Q: What does it mean to solve life's puzzles?*
   - A: Solving life's puzzles refers to the process of navigating through various challenges and situations, using effective strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth.

2. *Q: How can I develop resilience in the face of challenges?*
   - A: Building resilience involves cultivating a positive mindset, developing problem-solving skills, seeking support from others, and learning from experiences. The blog provides insights and practical tips on enhancing resilience.

3. *Q: Are there specific techniques for problem resolution mentioned in the blog?*
   - A: Yes, the blog discusses various problem resolution techniques, including effective communication, emotional intelligence, and adaptive strategies to tackle different life situations.

4. *Q: Can the blog help with personal development and self-improvement?*
   - A: Absolutely. The blog offers valuable insights and actionable advice on personal development, empowering readers to enhance their skills, mindset, and overall well-being.

5. *Q: How can I navigate through emotional challenges?*
   - A: The blog provides guidance on understanding and managing emotions, fostering emotional intelligence, and utilizing healthy coping mechanisms to navigate through emotional challenges.

6. *Q: Are there real-life examples or case studies discussed in the blog?*
   - A: Yes, the blog incorporates real-life examples and case studies to illustrate practical applications of the strategies discussed, making the content relatable and actionable.

7. *Q: Is the content suitable for individuals facing specific life situations, such as career changes or relationship challenges?*
   - A: Absolutely. The blog addresses a wide range of life situations, including career transitions, relationship challenges, and personal growth, offering insights applicable to diverse circumstances.

8. *Q: How often is the blog updated with new content?*
   - A: The blog is regularly updated with fresh content, including new strategies, tips, and relevant information to ensure ongoing support for readers in their journey of solving life's puzzles.

Feel free to explore the blog for more in-depth information and practical guidance on navigating through life's complexities.


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"जीवन की पहेलियाँ सुलझाना: विभिन्न स्थितियों से आसानी से निपटना"

जीवन की पहेलियाँ सुलझाना: विभिन्न स्थितियों से आसानी से निपटना
जीवन, एक मनोरम रूबिक क्यूब की तरह, हमारे सामने असंख्य परिस्थितियाँ लेकर आता है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक उलझी हुई और जटिल लगती है। फिर भी, रंगों के संरेखित होने पर उस संतुष्टिदायक क्लिक की तरह, इन चुनौतियों से आसानी से निपटना न केवल संभव है, बल्कि सशक्त भी है। तो, हम जीवन की पहेलियों में महारत कैसे हासिल करें, भ्रम को स्पष्टता में और अराजकता को शांति में बदलें?

पहला कदम: टुकड़ों का आकलन करें: किसी भी हल को हल करने का प्रयास करने से पहले, पहला कदम आपके सामने मौजूद पहेली को समझना है। गहरी सांस लें, पीछे हटें और स्थिति का विश्लेषण करें। प्रमुख तत्व क्या हैं? आपके पास क्या जानकारी है? संभावित अटकने वाले बिंदु कहां हैं? सावधानीपूर्वक सूची लेने से, आप एक स्पष्ट परिप्रेक्ष्य प्राप्त करते हैं और बिना सोचे-समझे प्रतिक्रिया देने से बचते हैं।

चरण दो: विभिन्न कोणों पर विचार करें: एक एकल परिप्रेक्ष्य अक्सर समाधान देखने की हमारी क्षमता को सीमित कर देता है। स्थिति को विभिन्न कोणों से देखने का प्रयास करें, मित्रों, आकाओं या यहां तक ​​कि ऑनलाइन समुदायों से अंतर्दृष्टि प्राप्त करें। कभी-कभी, एक ताज़ा परिप्रेक्ष्य छिपे हुए रास्ते को उजागर कर सकता है और नवीन दृष्टिकोणों को जगा सकता है। याद रखें, शायद ही कभी केवल एक ही "सही" समाधान होता है, इसलिए कई दृष्टिकोणों के लचीलेपन को अपनाएं।

चरण तीन: प्रयोग और धुरी: जीवन की पहेलियाँ शायद ही कभी सीधे समाधान प्रदान करती हैं। विभिन्न दृष्टिकोणों के साथ प्रयोग करने के लिए तैयार रहें, भले ही वे अपरंपरागत लगें। अगर कुछ काम नहीं कर रहा है तो घूमने से न डरें। अप्रत्याशित बाधाओं से निपटने में लचीलापन और अनुकूलनशीलता प्रमुख सहयोगी हैं। परीक्षण और त्रुटि की यात्रा को अपनाएं, प्रत्येक प्रयास से सीखें और रास्ते में अपनी रणनीति को परिष्कृत करें।

चरण चार: अनिश्चितता को गले लगाओ: आइए इसका सामना करें, जीवन हमेशा पूर्वानुमानित नहीं होता है। कभी-कभी, सावधानीपूर्वक योजना बनाने के बावजूद भी चीजें योजना के अनुसार नहीं हो पाती हैं। घबराने के बजाय, अनिश्चितता को पहेली के स्वाभाविक हिस्से के रूप में अपनाना सीखें। अपना लचीलापन विकसित करें, अपने आप को अप्रत्याशित मोड़ों के साथ अनुकूलन करने और प्रवाहित होने की अनुमति दें। याद रखें, अज्ञात को नेविगेट करने से अक्सर सबसे अधिक फायदेमंद खोजें हो सकती हैं।

चरण पाँच: प्रगति का जश्न मनाएँ: जीवन की पहेलियों को सुलझाना एक मैराथन है, न कि तेज़ दौड़। अपनी प्रगति को स्वीकार करें और उसका जश्न मनाएं, चाहे वह कितनी भी छोटी क्यों न हो। प्रत्येक आगे बढ़ाया गया कदम, सीखा गया प्रत्येक पाठ, आपके ज्ञान और अनुभव के बढ़ते टूलकिट को जोड़ता है। अपनी यात्रा की सराहना करके, आप प्रेरित रहते हैं और सबसे जटिल चुनौतियों से निपटने के लिए आत्मविश्वास पैदा करते हैं।

बोनस टिप: अपने उपकरणों को तेज़ करें: किसी भी कुशल गूढ़ व्यक्ति की तरह, अपने आप को सही उपकरणों से लैस करें। आलोचनात्मक सोच, संचार और समस्या-समाधान कौशल विकसित करें। शांत और एकाग्र मन से चुनौतीपूर्ण परिस्थितियों से निपटने के लिए सचेतनता और भावनात्मक बुद्धिमत्ता का अभ्यास करें। याद रखें, आपके पास जितने अधिक उपकरण होंगे, जीवन की जटिल पहेलियों को समझना उतना ही आसान हो जाएगा।
कई बार हम परिस्थितियों के दबाब  को साथ लिए चलते है कई बार तो ऐसा होता है कि एक परिस्थिति का दबाब दूसरी में भी अनुभव करते है।इन  दबाबों में किसी तरह का कोई संबंध नही होता ।यह कई बार दिन भर तो कई बार कई दिनों तक बना रहता है।इसका असर यह होता है कि हमारे मस्तिष्क में विचारों की संख्या बढ़ जाती है जो कि हमारी दक्षता, ओर  समझने की छमता को घटा देती है।मस्तिष्क की इस तरह की स्थिति से , जो  शब्द निकलते व कार्य  होते है वह  अनुचित, शक्तिहीन, आधारहीन, व अस्पष्ट होते है। यह  सुनिश्चित करने के लिए की हम इतना भावनात्मक दबाब साथ  लेकर न चले तो हमे  भावनात्मक समीकरण  में से  कई गलत मान्यताओं को निकालना होगा जो कि हमारे ऊपर दबाब का मूल कारण है और इसके स्थान पर जीवन की अन्य शक्तियों को शिरोधार्य करना होगा: हम  गलत मान्यताओं पर आधारित  विचार की  सफलता क्या है?असफलता  क्या है?  हार , जीत क्या है ?साथ लिए चलते है । हालांकि  हम मानते है कि यह मान्यताएं सही है लेकिन वे सही नही होती ,वे एक मुखोटे की तरह होती है जो वास्तविकता के प्रति हमारे नजरिये को बदल देती है और हमारे अंदर दबाब की भावनाओं को जन्म देती है। लेकिन मान्यता से ज्यादा गहरा सत्य होता है हम जानते है कि  योग व ध्यान से हम  जीवन की नकारात्मक शक्तियों को हरा हम  हमारी अंदरूनी शक्ति को बड़ा सकते है आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान,गहरी समझ और ज्ञान की बाते हमारे लिये  महत्वपूर्ण साधन होगी। इसलिए दबाब की स्थिति में,कूछ देर के लिये रुके ,ओर उस पल अपने विचारों को ध्यान दे, देखे की यह किन मान्यताओं पर आधारित है तब उन्हें स्पष्टता से देखने के लिए हम उस शकि का प्रयोग करे जो कि हमे आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान के ध्यान से प्राप्त हुई है। एक बार मान्यताओं  को हम ठीक कर लेंगे  तो हमारे विचारों का स्तर भी बदल जायेगा

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