Saturday 29 June 2024

Okonkwo 's Crime

Okonkwo committed the crime of killing a clansman, which is considered a grave offense against the earth goddess 

Here are some details about the crime:

- *Killing of Ezeudu's son*: Okonkwo's gun exploded during Ezeudu's funeral ceremony, killing Ezeudu's sixteen-year-old son.
- *Accidental but punishable*: Although the killing was accidental, Okonkwo was still held accountable and punished for his actions.
- *Exile as punishment*: Okonkwo was sentenced to seven years of exile in his mother's village, Mbanta, as a punishment for his crime.
- *Destruction of property*: As part of the punishment, Okonkwo's compound was destroyed, and his animals were slaughtered to cleanse the land of his sin.


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