Main theme of Biographia Literaria

The main themes of Biographia Literaria include 
- *Artistic Influences*: Coleridge discusses the influences that shaped his development as an artist, including his intellectual upbringing, personal relationships, and extensive reading.
- *Poetic Form*: Coleridge considers various topics regarding poetic form, including diction, and explores the relationships between his life experiences and his poetry.
- *Individual Expression*: The book emphasizes the importance of individuality in art and demonstrates Coleridge’s individual sensibility.
- *Imagination*: Coleridge explores the concept of imagination, distinguishing between primary imagination (the fundamental layer of perception) and secondary imagination (an extension of the primary imagination that is creative and transformative).
- *Poetry and Perception*: Coleridge discusses how human thoughts arise from interactions with nature, which he views as a spiritual unity, and explores the relationship between the mind and reality.

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