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Showing posts with label #revision. Show all posts

Revision Of First Flight Term one

Test link for footprint without feetTest link for Ball PoemTest Tiger In A ZooTest (Nelson Mandela long walk to freedomTest 3 (Fire And Ice)link 2(Dust Of Snow)Give testRevision test One Letter to GodChapter One A letter to God
Summary:Lencho ,a farmer who is the protagonist of the story,write a letter to God .In the letter ,he seeks help from the almighty as he discovers his entire crop yield has been destroyed by a devastating hailstorm.Although his wishes get fulfilled partially, if Not completely, he remains ungreatful in the end.Post office employees helped him by collecting money but according to him they were crooks.
The story discusses the power of innocent faith in God by a Man And how is able to accomplishe his want through it.The story ends with an irony.The story talks about Lencho,the main character who is a farmer And has immense faith in God.
Lencho was a poor farmer .He earned a livehood by harvesting corns.
Dust Of Snow Summary
The Short poem by Robert Frost throws light upon the unimaginable healing power of nature And tiny things.From a bad mood to ill -health ,there is nothing that can't be cured by nature .The author was experiencing One such bad Day when a crow's movement near a hemlock tree dusted snow upon him.The snow instantly makes him happier .His Day gets a lot better.Thus ,the supremacy of nature as a whole made him realise how petty his problem was .The fact that hemlock tree is poisonous  combined with crow being the indicator of doom And fear are Used in the poem as the carrier of happiness in the life of narrator ,is ironical.The poet thought these objects has tried to highlight that sometimes creatures linked with negative aspects of life can be the bringer of change And happiness. Being outdoors in nature ,with all  its unpredictability can benefit  anyone, anywhere at any time
Fire And Ice  Summary in English
Fire And ice is a short poem by Robert Frost .In this poem poet refers to two prediction of how the world will end.Some say it will end in fire whereas others say it will end in ice.According to the poet "Fire" stands for desire ,greed ,avarice Or lust.The More you try to satisfy them ,the More they grow.There is no end to it.
They spread rapidly like fire And engulf  your whole life.One becomes selfish And sometimes cruel also.On the other hand '"ice"according to the poet ,stands for hatered,coldness And rigidity.
One becomes insensitive And indifferent towards the feelings of others.The poet says that both fire And ice are growing with such a rapid speed that the world would soon perish(end) either way ,in fire Or in ice.
Nelson Mandela :Long Walk To Freedom(Summary)
On 10th May ,1994 the first democratic Government of South Africa was installed. The installation ceremony  took place in a sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union building in Pretoria,where many leaders of the world had gathered.
Nelson Mandela had come to the ceremony with his daughter Zenani .Mandela took his oath as the President of a free South Africa .He pledged to obey And uphold the constitution And to devote himself to the well -being of the people.
Mandela Address the Guests 
After taking oath ,Mandela addressed the guests .He promised to create a society of which all humanity would be proud.He thanked the international leaders for joining the ceremony that represented a common victory of Justice, peace And human dignity.
He promised that he would work to remove all kinds of poverty, sufferings oppression And discrimination from society.
Display of the Military Power by South African jets
When Mandela had taken oath ,south African jets displayed the military power .It also showed the loyalty of military to democracy. The highest military generals saluted him.
He recounted that they would have arrested him many years before.It was followed by the playing of two national anthems.The whites sang "Nikosi Sikelel" the old song And the blacks sang "Die Stem" the new song which marked the end of the ceremony.
Apartheid And South Africa
Nelson Mandela remembers about days gone by which will soon be the part of History where the whites had formed a system of racial dominance against the blacks.It was the basis of Harsh societies which is now overturned.
He says policy of apartheid created a Deep And lasting wounds on his country And its people.
Mandela joins African National Congress
The desire for freedom for people as a whole changed his whole life.He was imprisoned many times in the process of gaining freedom for his people And was transformed from frightened Young Man to a bold Person which turned him from a law abiding Person to become a criminal.
He recalled  great freedom fighters like Oliver Tamboos ,Walter Sisulu,Chief Luthuli,Yusuf Dadoo etc who were the men of uncommon courage ,wisdom And generosity.
Mandela's Realisation
According to Mandela Person has twin obligations, One to his family And other to society. Mandela realised that he could Not enjoy his freedom when his community was Not free.He also realised that just like oppressed (torturer)  ,the oppressor (tortured) is also Not free.
The oppressed is a prisoner of hatred,prejudice and narrow -mindedness. Thus ,both the oppressor and the oppressed alike are robbed  of their humanity. Both of them must be liberated .If the people can be taught to hate then they can also taught to love
A Tiger In The  Zoo [summary]
The poem written by Leslie Norris explains the agony and helplessness of a caged tiger that lives in a zoo. The poet has explains what his life could be if he had been a free animal. The poet has tried to explain about the condition of the animal that are caged by human being for their own fund..
'"he stalked in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage
On pads of velvet quite
In his quite rage.'" 
Word Meaning
stalks; follow
vivid; bright colored
pads; paws of tiger
rage ;anger
Here the  poet says that the tiger is confined to the zoo moves around the cage under his bright colored skin .He further says that the tiger can take only a few steps. He further says that the tiger can take only a few  steps because the cage is small and it is not easy to move in it.One can not hear his footsteps because he has very soft feet ,like  velvet because of which there is no sound of tiger footsteps.The tiger tries to control his anger by quietly walking in limited area of his cage.He is angry because he is not free. 

Poetical Devises Used In A Tiger in the Zoo 
(1)Rhyming scheme:abcb(cage-rage) 
(2)Personification:The tiger is personified because the poet refers him as "he"
(3)Metaphor: Tiger's paws  are compared with velvet (Pads of velvet)
(4)Enjabment:Sentence is continuing to next line without any punctuation mark.
(5)imagery: Poet tries to create an image about the tiger(He stalks in his vivid stripes the few steps of his cage)
(6) Consonance :Use of "s" sound (stalks,his,stripes)
(7)Assonance :use of vowel sound"I"(In his vivid stripes)
(8)Oxymoron:Use of adjectives opposite in meaning(Quite,Rage)
"The Ball poem"(Summary)
Written by John Berryman ,the Summary of ball poem class 10 revolves around a boy who has lost his ball all of a sudden while playing with it.He was dribbling the ball And suddenly it fell into water.He couldn't Bear the pain And became really sad.The poet compares the ball with emotion And child hood of every human being which ends suddenly And they have to deal with it And move on.There will be so many losses in our life.We need to cope up with them .It is a lesson for every One for entire lifetime.


Highways to Progress: A Comprehensive Guide to Road Transport and National Highways

My Quora Space *"Highways to Progress: A Comprehensive Guide to Road Transport and National Highways"*   *Table of Con...