Showing posts with label Visit Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visit Show all posts

Meaningful Purpose (English)

Learn, experience, fail and succeed. Ask questions, listen to the answers, seek to understand.Wander through places where you have previously never been.Take on tasks you don't yet know how to do .You are able to consider new information, adjust to unexpected situations, and adopt to novel environments.Keep those abilities strong by putting them to use.
It's easy and comfortable to get settled in your ways.Yet it is refreshing and energizing to introduce yourself to new challenges and then work through those challenges.
You have come a long way in your time   and and accumulated plenty of interesting experiences .keep those new experiences coming.
What makes life so good is the fact that one can live it in whatever way it may come.A new day is here, and new experience await.
Each time you get hurt, each time you fall short of the mark, you add another excuse to your arsenal.But excuses won't bring anything of value to your life.They only make you more skilled at avoiding the abundant goodness that life has to offer.
Forget the excuses, Stop worrying about failure.Life is yours to be lived.You will gain nothing by hiding from it.The cold wind on your face may sting a little bit, yet it lets you know you are alive.
Fill each moment with a new experiences.Fill each day with effort directed toward a meaningful purpose.It sure beats hiding in the corner.Though you will occasionally stumble, you will be occasionally stumble, you will be stumbling forward, and enjoying the abundant experience of being alive

Capturing Moments: Memorable Photographs of the Shukla Family

Grand Father late shri Jhumak Lal Shukla and late shrimati Ram Bai Shukla Divyansh's Grand father la...