Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Show all posts

Empower yourself

Whole humanity is facing difficult times. Covid pandemic  has created new challanges to us.Frequent lockdown has devasteted us economically as well as financially. Such situation demands that we should empower ourself to come out of such challenges and challanges that will prop up in future.                    Yet there is plenty you can do with the situation as it is.As you move forward, problem keep proping up to block you.Even so ,there is always some amount of progress you can make.                                                                        The excuses sound good,but they don't do you any good.Your best choice is to forget about the excuses and focus on the work you can get done.                                                                         Achievement happens not because of the circumstances you are in.Achievement happens because of what you do to make it happen.                                                                     Achievement happens not because some some lucky break has made it easy for you.Achievement happens because you do the difficult task to bring it about.Wishing for a more favorable environment is just wasting the good time that's a available to you..Choose  instead to use that time,to learn the lessons to do the work and to make achievement happen..                                                                     Internet is a gift to modern society .By effectively using internet we can read lot of self help books.We can now learn many earning technique from number of social media platform like u tube and others.             Multi level marketing  will help you to earn passive income without opening a shop in crowded market.                                                   You can not only empower yourself but you can also work to empower a socity. You can open a small whatsapp group to desdiminate  information to fight  pendamic and  make them aware about the safeguard against the virus.

Capturing Moments: Memorable Photographs of the Shukla Family

Grand Father late shri Jhumak Lal Shukla and late shrimati Ram Bai Shukla Divyansh's Grand father la...