(Regularly Updated blog by Lalit Mohan Shukla)
Simple Present TenseWe use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it's sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding –s or –es to the end.
(English) I go to Market
(Sanskrit)अहं विपण्यं गच्छामि
(Hindi) मैं बाज़ार जाता हूँ
(Hindi)तुम बाजार जाते हो
(English)you go to the मार्किट
(Sanskrit)त्वं विपण्यं गच्छसि
(Sanskrit) वयं विपण्यं गच्छामः
(Hindi)-तुम बाजार जाते हो
(Hindi)वे बाजार जाते है
(Sanskrit )ते विपण्यं गच्छन्ति
(Hindi) वह बाजार जाता है
(Sanskrit )सः मार्केट् गच्छति.
(Hindi) वह बाजार जाती है
(Sanskrit)सा मार्केट् गच्छति
(Hindi)यह बाजार जाता है.
(Sanskrit)विपण्यं गच्छति
(Hindi) लड़का बाजार जाता है
(Sanskrit)बालकः विपण्यं गच्छति
(Hindi)लड़के बाजार जाते हैं
(Sanskrit)बालकाः विपण्यं गच्छन्ति
(Hindi) लड़के स्कूल जाते हैं
(Sanskrit)बालकाः विद्यालयं गच्छन्ति
(HINDI) सूर्य पूर्व से उगता है
(SANSKRIT) पूर्वदिशि सूर्योदयःc
(English)Honesty is the best Policy
(Hindi)ईमानदारी सर्वोत्तम नीति है
(Sanskrit) प्रामाणिकता सर्वोत्तम नीतिः अस्ति
अव्ययों में कुछ अव्यय ऐसे हैं जिनसे सामान्य वाक्य को प्रश्नवाचक में बदला जाता है । प्रश्नवाचक अव्ययों का प्रयोग एक निश्चित स्थान पर किया जाता है । (क) मोहनः फलं खादति । मोहनः किं खादति ?
An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question. Interrogative sentences can be direct or indirect, begin with or without pronouns, and feature yes/no interrogatives, alternative questions, or tag questions. Interrogative sentences often start with interrogative pronouns and end with a question mark.
(English) Do I go to market?
(Hindi)क्या मैं बाजार जाता हूँ?
(Sanskrit) किं अहं विपण्यं गच्छामि,?
(English)Who is your best friend?
(Sanskrit)भवतः परममित्रः कः ?
(Hindi)आपका सबसे अच्छा मित्र कौन है?
(Sanskrit)भवतः नाम किमस्ति?
(Hindi)आपका नाम क्या है?
(Hindi)मेरा नाम ऋतू है.
(English)My name is Ritu
English:I am going to Market.
Sanskrit:अहं आपणं गच्छामि
Hindi :मैं बाजार जा रहा हू