Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Email Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Email Show all posts

Learn to think

Our mind is great  productive resource.It help as well mismanaged our life..Our mind help us in shaping our life in great way.We like computers can programmen our mind..               First of all we must learn to control our mind. Napoleon hill says"Whatever our mind conceive  and believe it can achive.. If you can keep your mind keep and calm ,and analyse your past experiences, Knowledge and believe system ,You  can act by analysing them ,you can change your luck in remarkable way.         ...Creative thinking and productive thinking plays important part in our life.                            By giving great plan in paper, we can design our future.                                                               We should give great thinking to goal setting and visualisation. Goal setting helps us in realising our future  objectives.  We should constantly improve  our knowledge ,skill and behavior.  Give reward to your thinking and action. Take one task, at a time,get it done with concentration and focused thinking. As we know proper plannig prevent poor performance. Always Plan you finances, for your professional as well individual need so you can be successful in every indeaver in life

Capturing Moments: Memorable Photographs of the Shukla Family

Grand Father late shri Jhumak Lal Shukla and late shrimati Ram Bai Shukla Divyansh's Grand father la...