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Showing posts with label Donate in paypal by Email Show all posts

Knowing and Doing (Portuguese)

Eu gostaria de começar com as famosas linhas de Francisco Becon "O homem simples admira o estudo, o homem astuto o condena e o sábio o usa." Saber algo é a parte fácil. Colocá-lo em prática na verdade é uma história totalmente diferente. Todos nós sabemos que  Devemos comer de forma saudável, fazer exercícios, trabalhar duro, estudar regularmente e ser disciplinados. Mas quantos de nós vivemos os princípios que mais falamos. Ao longo do tempo e através da história, as pessoas sentiram o anseio por significado e propósito. Raramente é perseguido ou totalmente satisfeito.  Entre na "lacuna de saber fazer".  Como podemos ser sábios o suficiente para usar nosso conhecimento?  A lacuna de saber-fazer é a desconexão entre conhecimento e ação. Conhecimento é muitas vezes confundido com sabedoria. Admiramos pessoas que apenas reuniram fatos, informações e dados. Raros são os sábios que se transformaram por dentro. Os antigos sábios indianos enfatizavam a sabedoria.  e prescreveu um caminho claro pelo qual essa lacuna de saber-fazer poderia ser preenchida. Eles prescreveram três estágios para adquirir sabedoria. O primeiro é "shravana" (ouvir). A absorção de conhecimento.  O segundo estágio, "Manana" (Assimilações), é refletir, pensar, ver a mesma coisa de ângulos diferentes e experimentá-la. Deve-se integrá-la em seu sistema, vivê-la. Agora somos os mais sábios para isso. A maioria das pessoas  pare apenas com a ingestão de conhecimento.  O último estágio é "Nidhidhyasana" (Concentre-se no que aprendemos).  Muito antes de enfrentarmos o mundo, temos que vencer nosso oponente mais mortal - 'nós'! Nós nos permitimos acreditar que não podemos. Impomos limitações a nós mesmos. Tornamo-nos subservientes ao mundo. Olhamos para os obstáculos, não  Oportunidades. Usando a terminologia do golfe, perdemos nosso swing.  Encontre um propósito. Para que estamos vivendo?  A vida não pode ser apenas crescer, conseguir um emprego, sair de férias, envelhecer e morrer. No final, queremos sentido na vida, Mais prazer, energia, vitalidade. Queremos acordar animados, com sede de vida nós  não sinto desde a infância.  Agora, nossa prioridade deve ser de querer mudar o mundo para mudar a si mesmo.  O mundo é apenas uma projeção de nossa mente. Uma mente feliz projeta um mundo feliz, uma mente atormentada vê um mundo miserável. Mude seus pensamentos e seu mundo mudará milagrosamente.  A escritura indiana "O Bhagwat Gita" ajuda-nos a compreender a nós próprios, a identificar os nossos pontos fortes e a alavancá-los para ultrapassar a nossa fraqueza.  Como o famoso herói e arqueiro lendário, Arjun fala de palavras de sabedoria, mas é incapaz de vivê-las. O Senhor Krishna preenche a lacuna de saber e fazer no tratado por meio de reflexão guiada.  Ele apresenta o conhecimento de uma nova perspectiva e acende o pensamento original.  Como humanos, temos a escolha de focar no mundo ou penetrar no espírito. Perseguir metas limitadas, míopes ou elevar-se acima do óbvio e buscar o Eterno. A escolha é nossa. Qualquer que seja o caminho que escolhermos e garantirmos, obteremos  o que buscamos: Todo caminho leva a Deus.  Precisamos encontrar o caminho mais eficaz para a meta de realização total. Algumas pessoas visualizam aquilo que transcende o plano material e adoram a Deus. Elas pertencem a quatro categorias.  Alguns se voltam para Deus apenas para aumentar a riqueza. Os aflitos, que se deparam com circunstâncias trágicas e ficam agitados, procuram consolo. Outros são curiosos e procuram meras informações.  Mas os sábios superam. Eles vêem a futilidade das buscas mundanas e se esforçam pelo transcendental. Eles buscam a felicidade permanente.  Eles alcançam a iluminação.  Faça as coisas como um observador imparcial e encontre a felicidade dentro de você.

Determination (English)

You never would have thought you could do it but you did it.Because you really  wanted to,or you had  no other choice.What other things,might you be able to accomplish, that you never thought you could? What profound challenge,what deep seated desire can you set before yourself that will energize your spirit and activate your skills?                               When you are unwilling,nothing  much  happens,no matter how well -positioned you are.When you are sufficiently willing,pretty much everything is possible even if you are burdened by severe disadvantages.                             Determine exactly what would make you willing.Fill your mind and your heart with all the details of how much better it will be than any alternative.Put the whole of yourself into an intimate and continuing relationship with your reason why.Make yourself willing.Amaze yourself again with all the good things you can get done.Make yourself willing.fill your existence with  purpose,and bring to life all the achievement you are meant to achieve .With enough determination, no goal is out of reach.Determination carries you past seemingly insurmountable  obstacles and makes things real that were once considered impossible. So how do you create and maintain sufficient determination to take you where you want to go? How do you keep the power of determination working for you?To maintain  your simply must remember it.For as powerful as your determination can be,it is nothing more than a concept in your mind.As long as you can keep that concept of determination at the front of your mind,it will work for you.As long as you can remember, with passion and with clarity,the what,why and how of your determination, it will carry you forward.                Take small steps daily towards your goal. If the task is big,break it into small steps.Consistency in your efforts, give you big dividend in future.Decide determine and work.

Don't give up (Filipino)

Maging mabaliw upang mabuhay nang may kagalakan. Maging sapat na hangal sa pag-aalaga. Maging sapat na mausisa upang makagawa ng mga pagkakamali.  Maging mapagpakumbaba upang matuto. Maging sapat na nagpapasalamat upang pahalagahan ang lahat. Maging sapat na madamdamin upang itaguyod at palawakin ang pinakamahusay na maaaring maging. Sinasabi ng mga script na binibigyan ka ng edukasyon ng magalang.  Ang pagiging magalang ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng pagiging karapat-dapat, at ang pagiging karapat-dapat ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng mga kakayahan upang kumita ng yaman.  Maging matapang upang masabi kung ano ang totoo. Maging sapat na malakas upang maging ikaw talaga. Maging sapat na seryoso upang hilahin ang iyong timbang. Maging kaaya-aya upang tumawa sa lahat ng paraan. Maging sapat na matapat na patuloy kang pinagkakatiwalaan. Maging may pag-asa ka upang magpatuloy  at pagpunta, hindi mahalaga kung ano ang maaaring lumitaw sa iyong landas. Ang aming mga limitasyon ay totoong nakikita namin na sila. Paano kung binago mo ang iyong pananaw? May isang mundo ng mga posibilidad na lampas sa komportable at pamilyar na mga hangganan na tinanggap namin para sa ating sarili.  Isipin ang pagpunta sa at tuklasin ang mundo.  Mayroong mga dakila at kamangha-manghang bagay na magagawa natin na hindi tayo naniniwala na kaya nating gawin. Paano kung ang ating paniniwala ay dapat lumago?  Mayroong positibo at mahalagang opsyonover-whelmeto sa amin na hindi namin kailanman naglakas-loob na isaalang-alang. Marahil ay oras na upang isaalang-alang ang mga ito.  Mayroon kaming kapangyarihang gawin itong pinakamaganda, pinaka-masaya at kasiya-siyang araw na nabuhay na tayo. At pagkatapos, mayroon tayong kapangyarihang gawing mas mabuti ang bukas. Maaari ba nating maglakas-loob na isipin ito at maniwala sa puntong nararamdaman natin ito  ating mga buto? Kapag ginawa natin, magiging.  Nararamdaman ba natin ang sobrang pagkabalisa? Napakaraming mga kailangang gawin. Maaari itong makapanghina ng loob kapag pinabagal tayo ng mga bagay na hindi natin mapigilan.  Ngunit siguraduhin, hindi tayo dapat sumuko at hindi natin dapat payagan ang mga problema na talunin tayo.

Don't give up (Azerbaijani)

Sevinclə yaşayacaq qədər dəli olun, qayğı göstərəcək qədər axmaq olun. Səhv etmək üçün maraqlı olun.  Öyrənəcək qədər təvazökar olun, hamısını qiymətləndirəcək qədər minnətdar olun. Mümkün olan ən yaxşısını təbliğ etmək və genişləndirmək üçün kifayət qədər ehtiraslı olun.  Nəzakət sizə uyğunluq verir və uyğunluq sizə zənginlik qazanmaq üçün imkan verir.  Doğru olanı söyləmək üçün cəsarətli olun. Həqiqətən də sizin olmaq üçün güclü olun. Çəkinizi çəkəcək qədər ciddi olun. Bütün yol boyu güləcək dərəcədə şən olun. Daim etibar etdiyiniz qədər dürüst olun. Davam edəcək qədər ümidli olun.  və yolunuzda nə görünə bilərsə gedin, sərhədlərimiz onları qəbul etdiyimiz qədər realdır, əgər qavrayışlarınızı dəyişdirsəydiniz? özümüz üçün qəbul etdiyimiz rahat və tanış sərhədlərin kənarında bir sıra imkanlar var.  O dünyaya girib kəşf etdiyinizi düşünün.  Edə biləcəyimizə inanmadığımız böyük və ecazkar şeylər var. İnamımız artacaqsa nə olar?  Heç vaxt düşünməyə cəsarət etmədiyimiz müsbət və dəyərli bir seçim var, bəlkə də onları nəzərdən keçirməyin zamanı gəldi.  Bunu indiyə qədər yaşadığımız ən yaxşı, ən sevincli və doyumlu bir günə çevirmək gücümüz var və o zaman sabahı daha da yaxşı etmək gücümüz var, onu təsəvvür etməyə və hiss etdiyimiz yerə inana bilərikmi?  sümüklərimiz?  Özümüzü əsəbiləşdirdiyimizi düşünürsənmi? Görülməsi lazım olan çox şey var, bizi idarə edə bilməyəcəyimiz şeylər yavaşladığımız zaman ürəkaçan ola bilər.  Ancaq əmin olun ki, təslim olmamalı və problemlərin bizi məğlub etməsinə imkan verməməliyik.

Empowred by love (Portuguese)

Durante esta pandemia Covid-19, dois tipos de poder entraram em jogo - o amor pelo poder e o poder do amor. O mundo testemunha as pessoas servindo com devoção para sofrer e, por outro lado, uma guerra amarga. A motivação subjacente a esses dois é muito diferente  -é tudo sobre nós ou é tudo sobre os outros? O primeiro é demonstrado por todos aqueles que lucram com esta situação horrenda, e o segundo exemplificado pelos trabalhadores da linha de frente, funcionários públicos comprometidos, aqueles que prestam assistência humanitária e levam consolo aos doentes  e os moribundos.  O que todos fazemos depende da maneira como olhamos a vida. Em tudo o que fazemos, deixe o amor ser o único motivo. Qualquer necessidade deve estar relacionada a outra.  Deixe que a ação saia do amor. A paixão deve ser evitada. Se o amor se tornar o princípio básico de todas as ações, a maioria dos males do mundo desaparecerá. "O poder e a força do amor são. Narrados na história sobre o homem indiano Dashrath  Manjhi, um trabalhador pobre em uma vila perto de Gaya, no estado de Bihar. Sua esposa, Falguni Devi, morreu precisando de ajuda médica. Então, Manjhi sozinho forjou uma estrada nas montanhas, trabalhando com martelo e cinzel por 22 anos. Construiu a estrada  que encurtou a distância entre o hospital e sua aldeia de 75 kms para 5 kms. É uma crença religiosa freqüentemente repetida de que Deus tira o bem do mal. Sem negar toda a dor, sofrimento e tristeza que a pandemia trouxe à humanidade.  pondere sobre as cinco sugestões feitas por Patrik Manning, para dar algum significado a tudo isso. Em primeiro lugar, esteja atento para as maneiras inesperadas como Deus pode estar trabalhando nesta crise.  WL?  Em segundo lugar, a pandemia pode ser vista como um convite de Deus para descansar um pouco. Terceiro, concentre-se novamente no que é realmente importante nesta vida.  quarto, passe mais tempo com Deus em oração. Em quinto lugar, conecte-se mais profundamente. com as pessoas em nossa vida. Todas essas são sugestões incomuns.  O poder do amor pode salvar não apenas vidas, mas também transformá-las.  Isso é verdade não apenas para os seres humanos que se relacionam com os animais. Uma história "Bright Side" fala sobre um homem que observou uma menina de oito anos em uma loja. Ela estava conversando com um cachorro, acariciando-o e sorrindo. Seus pais estavam.  de um lado parecendo feliz. Esse observador soube mais tarde que sua filha era autista e que era a primeira vez que a ouviam falar usando uma frase completa.  Meu pai era um oficial florestal. Um dia ele pegou um caçador levando cervos infantis com ele. Hunter foi preso por produzir no tribunal com cervos infantis.  Meu pai cuidou muito bem dos cervos-criança, de sua comida e conforto.  Um dia quando meu pai saiu em turnê.  Ele saltou da cerca.  🦌 Cães vadios na cidade o perseguiram e feriram.  Guarda da casa trazê-lo de volta. O cervo criança ferido amargamente estava esperando por meu pai.  Quando meu pai chegou da excursão, deu um tapinha nas crianças veados.  Quando ele estava nos braços de meu pai, ele de repente fechou os olhos e morreu.  Na famosa canção hindi, lembro-me dos versos "Não quebre o coração que está cheio de amor.

Be beautiful (Haitian creole)

Te gen yon koup ki te konn ale nan Angletè pou al achte nan bèl magazen yo.Se te senkyèm anivèsè maryaj yo.  Yon jou nan bèl boutik sa a yo te wè yon bèl tas. Yo te di "Èske nou ka wè sa? Nou pa janm te wè tankou yon tas bèl anvan."  Kòm dam lan te remèt li bay mari, toudenkou teyat la te pale "Ou pa konprann" Li te di.  Mwen pa te toujou yon teyat. Te gen yon tan lè mwen te wouj e mwen te ajil. Mèt mwen te pran m ', li woule m' ak tap bat mwen sou yo ak sou mwen epi mwen rele byen fò, kite m 'pou kont li,' men li te sèlman souri,  'Poko', "Lè sa a, yo te mete mwen sou yon wou spining," gode a te di "epi toudenkou mwen te file alantou ak toupatou. 'One Stop li' Mwen vin tèt vire! 'Mwen rèl. Men, mèt la sèlman nodded epi li di'  Poko ". Lè sa a, li mete m 'nan dife pou chofe fou a. Mwen pa janm te santi tankou chalè. Mwen te mande poukisa li te vle boule m', epi mwen rele. Li souke tèt li," Pa ankò "Finalman pòt la louvri li mete m 'sou etajè a  , e yo te kòmanse refwadi. Sa pi bon, 'mwen te di. Apre sa, li fwote ak pentire m' tout lòt peyi sou. Lafimen yo te terib. Mwen te panse mwen ta gag. 'sispann li, sispann li!'. Mwen te kriye. Li sèlman nodded, pa  ankò. '. Lè sa a, toudenkou li mete m' tounen nan dife pou chofe fou a, pa tankou yon sèl la an premye. Sa a te de fwa tankou cho e mwen te konnen mwen ta toufe. Mwen sipliye pa te gen okenn espwa. Mwen te pare yo bay moute. Li te pran  m 'soti, li mete m' sou etajè.Pita li remèt m 'yon mirr  oswa epi li te di, 'Gade tèt ou'. Apre sa, mwen te fè.  Mwen te di, "Se pa mwen; sa pa ta ka mwen. Mwen bèl. '  "Mwen vle ou sonje Lè sa a," li te di, "Mwen konnen li fè mal yo dwe woule ak karese, men si mwen jis kite ou, ou ta gen cheche. Koulye a, ou se yon pwodwi fini. Fò ak bèl. Ou se sa mwen  te gen nan tèt ou lè mwen te kòmanse premye avèk ou. Istwa mennen nou nan bondye ki mèt inivèsèl nou an.Si nou fè fas a difikilte ak difikilte, Lè sa a, Imajine li se nan pwosesis pou fè nou bèl. Zetwal klere ka wè nan pi fonse lannwit.  epi kwè nan ki gen tout pouvwa.

Be beautiful (Hindi)

एक जोड़ा था जो इंग्लैंड जाकर ख़ूबसूरत दुकानों में ख़रीदारी करने जाया करता था। यह उनकी शादी की पच्चीसवीं सालगिरह थी। दोनों को प्राचीन वस्तुएँ और मिट्टी के बर्तन और ख़ासकर चाय के प्याले पसंद थे।  एक दिन इस खूबसूरत दुकान में उन्होंने एक सुंदर प्याला देखा।उन्होंने कहा, "क्या हम इसे देख सकते हैं?हमने इतना सुंदर कप पहले कभी नहीं देखा।"  जैसे ही महिला ने इसे पति को सौंप दिया, अचानक चाय का प्याला बोला "आप नहीं समझे" यह कहा।  मैं हमेशा एक प्याली नहीं रहा। एक समय था जब मैं लाल था और मैं मिट्टी का था। मेरे मालिक ने मुझे ले लिया और मुझे घुमाया और मुझे बार-बार थपथपाया और मैं चिल्लाया, मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो, 'लेकिन वह केवल मुस्कुराया,  'अभी नहीं'," फिर मुझे एक कताई चक्र पर रखा गया, "चाय की प्याली ने कहा" और अचानक मैं इधर-उधर घूम गया। 'बंद करो' मुझे चक्कर आ रहा है! 'मैं चिल्लाया। लेकिन गुरु ने केवल सिर हिलाया और कहा'  अभी नहीं'। फिर उसने मुझे ओवन में डाल दिया।मुझे ऐसी गर्मी कभी नहीं महसूस हुई। मैंने सोचा कि वह मुझे क्यों जलाना चाहता है, और मैं चिल्लाया। उसने अपना सिर हिलाया, 'अभी नहीं' अंत में दरवाजा खुला उसने मुझे शेल्फ पर रख दिया  ,और ठंडा होने लगा। यह बेहतर है,' मैंने कहा।और उसने ब्रश किया और मुझे चारों ओर से रंग दिया।धूम्रपान भयानक थे।मैंने सोचा कि मैं चुप हो जाऊंगा।'इसे रोको, इसे रोको!'। मैं रोया।उसने केवल सिर हिलाया, नहीं।  फिर भी।'। फिर अचानक उसने मुझे वापस ओवन में डाल दिया, पहले वाले की तरह नहीं। यह दो बार गर्म था और मुझे पता था कि मेरा दम घुट जाएगा। मैंने भीख मांगी कोई उम्मीद नहीं थी।मैं हार मानने के लिए तैयार था।उसने लिया  मुझे बाहर निकाल कर शेल्फ पर रख दिया।बाद में उसने मुझे एक शीशा थमा दिया  या और कहा, 'अपने आप को देखो'।और मैंने किया।  मैंने कहा, "वह मैं नहीं हूँ, वह मैं नहीं हो सकता।मैं सुंदर हूँ।  'मैं चाहता हूं कि आप तब याद रखें' उन्होंने कहा, 'मुझे पता है कि लुढ़कने और थपथपाने में दुख होता है, लेकिन अगर मैं तुम्हें छोड़ देता, तो तुम सूख जाते। अब तुम एक तैयार उत्पाद हो। मजबूत और सुंदर। तुम वही हो जो मैं  मन में था जब मैंने पहली बार आपके साथ शुरुआत की थी। कहानी हमें ईश्वर की ओर ले जाती है जो हमारे सार्वभौमिक गुरु हैं। यदि हम कठिनाइयों और कठिनाइयों का सामना करते हैं, तो कल्पना कीजिए कि वह हमें सुंदर बनाने की प्रक्रिया में है। अंधेरी रात में चमकीले सितारे देखे जा सकते हैं। आश्वस्त रहें  और सर्वशक्तिमान में विश्वास करते हैं।

Career guidance and pandemic (Greek)

Η συνεχιζόμενη πανδημία έχει προκαλέσει απρόβλεπτες οικονομικές διαταραχές και ανεργία παγκοσμίως, προκαλώντας τόσο οικονομικές όσο και ανθρωπιστικές κρίσεις. Οι επαγγελματικοί σύμβουλοι και οι επαγγελματίες σύμβουλοι πρέπει τώρα να επικεντρωθούν στον τρόπο με τον οποίο μπορούν να παρέχουν αποτελεσματική συμβουλευτική για τα δημητριακά για τον κόσμο μετά το covid. Κάποιος πρέπει να προσέχει τις διαθέσιμες ευκαιρίες.  Στην αρχή, είναι σημαντικό να κατανοήσουμε ότι η καθοδήγηση σταδιοδρομίας βοηθά τους μαθητές να κατανοήσουν τα πλεονεκτήματα και τις αδυναμίες τους και στη συνέχεια να τους ταιριάξει με τις δεξιότητες και τα ενδιαφέροντά τους, ώστε να μπορούν να πάρουν την καλύτερη κατάλληλη επιλογή σταδιοδρομίας. Η πίεση να κάνουν επιλογές σταδιοδρομίας και τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης είναι  νευρική εμπειρία για τους περισσότερους μαθητές. Η παροχή συμβουλών σταδιοδρομίας επιτρέπει στους μαθητές να διαχειρίζονται τη σταδιοδρομία τους και να μετακινούνται από μια γενική κατανόηση της ζωής και της εργασίας σε μια συγκεκριμένη κατανόηση των ρεαλιστικών επιλογών μάθησης και εργασίας που είναι ανοιχτές σε αυτούς.  Καθώς η κοινωνία προσπαθεί να συμβιβαστεί με τις παγκόσμιες κρίσεις, η τεχνολογία αναπόφευκτα έχει αναδειχθεί ως ιππότης μας στη λαμπερή πανοπλία με πολλούς τρόπους.  Τα νέα μας γλωσσάρια που σχετίζονται με το Covid μας ανάγκασαν να μάθουμε και να πάρουμε μαθήματα συντριβής σε πολλούς απροσδόκητους τομείς - από τη βιολογία και την ανοσολογία έως τη στατιστική ρητορική, τις κυβερνητικές επιχειρήσεις και τους πολίτες. Αυτή η πανδημία μας έχει δείξει τη δύναμη της τεχνολογίας, εκθέτοντας κινδύνους για την ασφάλεια στον κυβερνοχώρο,  και βοήθησε τις επιχειρήσεις, να αναπτύξει νέους τρόπους αποτελεσματικής χρήσης δεδομένων.  Είναι πλέον καιρός για τους μαθητές να αναμένουν μεγαλύτερες ευκαιρίες εργασίας ή εναλλακτικές επιλογές σταδιοδρομίας στον κόσμο μετά την πανδημία.  Πηγαίνουν οι μέρες που η ιατρική και η μηχανική ήταν οι μόνες δύο επιλογές που μας παρουσίασαν οι μαθητές. Η πανδημία μας ανάγκασε να στραφούμε σε ιολόγους, αλλά η ιολογία ήταν μια παραμελημένη περιοχή. Το πεδίο είναι ένας ταχέως εξελισσόμενος κλάδος της ιατρικής με τεράστια σημασία  σε ιατρικές σπουδές.  Τα συμβατικά θέματα όπως η ζωολογία, η φυσιολογία της βοτανικής και η φυσιολογία έχουν μείνει πίσω στον αγώνα από τους τομείς της μικροβιολογίας, της βιοτεχνολογίας, της βιοχημείας και άλλων εφαρμοσμένων προγραμμάτων. Η συγχώνευση των βιολογικών και ιατρικών επιστημών σε αυτά τα εφαρμοσμένα προγράμματα τα έχει κάνει πολύ περιζήτητα  πρόσφατα μεταξύ της φοιτητικής κοινότητας που αναζητούν εναλλακτικές λύσεις στις ιατρικές επιστήμες.  Η καριέρα στην υπολογιστική βιολογία έχει επίσης εμφανιστεί πολλά υποσχόμενη τα τελευταία χρόνια.  Η υπολογιστική βιολογία είναι βασικά η μελέτη φυσικών αρχών που αποτελούν μέρος βιολογικών φαινομένων και διαδικασιών.  Οι στατιστικές λένε ότι είναι εξαιρετικά καλή στιγμή για να ξεκινήσετε μια καριέρα στην υπολογιστική βιολογία, με σχετικό πτυχίο, οι μαθητές μπορούν να εργαστούν στον εμπορικό, ακαδημαϊκό και κυβερνητικό τομέα.  Καθώς η πανδημία εξαπλώθηκε σε ολόκληρη την Ινδία, οι περισσότερες από τις διαδικασίες έγιναν διαδικτυακές, δημιουργώντας τεράστιες ποσότητες δεδομένων σε διάφορους τομείς. Αυτό οδήγησε τις εταιρείες να αναπτύξουν πιο εξελιγμένους αλγόριθμους, δημιουργώντας την ανάγκη για περισσότερους ρόλους επιστήμης δεδομένων. Με τον κόσμο να αρχίζει να ανοίγει εν μέσω του Covid  -19; πανδημία, ο αριθμός των θέσεων εργασίας που διατίθενται στην επιστήμη των δεδομένων. Η ζήτηση σε αυτόν τον τομέα δείχνει ανοδική τάση στην Ινδία καθώς πλησιάζουμε στην παροχή εμβολίων για όλους.  Είναι επίσης ένα καλό σημάδι ότι ανοίγουν πολλά εθνικά ιδρύματα για να παρέχουν εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση σε κοινούς μαθητές.  Το Εθνικό Ινστιτούτο Νομικής του Bhopal ξεκίνησε πολλά μαθήματα πιστοποιητικών σε διαδικτυακή λειτουργία για το όφελος των μαθητών δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης.  Τώρα μπορούμε να πούμε ότι η επαγγελματική εμπιστοσύνη είναι ένα βασικό σύνολο εργαλείων που βοηθά τους ανθρώπους να σκεφτούν πώς ζουν τη ζωή τους, να διαχειρίζονται την ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και επαγγελματικής ζωής.

Mother nature (English)

Let us see, In business, when the workers stop, the company incurs losses and eventually shut down .However, if nature stops working, the world itself shuts down. At least from now on, after experiencing the intense suffering of this pandemic, man should set aside his egoism, stop harming Mother nature and recognize that she is the ultimate master; We have to develop the attitude that we are nothing but nature's servants. We should practice humility, servitude and respect to mother nature and beg  her to forgive all our crimes against her. With the coronavirus pandemic, Nature has finally shown us that she will no longer suffer and forgive all the indignities we heap upon her; The air we breath ,the water we drink, the food we eat, the home in which we sleep, the sun that gives us energy-we are indebted to Mother nature for all of these. Our life on this earth is possible only because of combined effort of all its creature. The rivers ,trees, bees ,butterflies and worms all play their part. If they did not exist, there  would be  no life .If we were to visualize Nature as one tree,  then all the creatures would be its roots, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. The tree becomes whole only as a totality of it's various parts .If one part is destroyed ,the rest  will also perish soon.                     In my childhood my grandma used to instruct me not to touch plants and pluck flowers  ,as she believe that they as living being taking rest. When tree was needed to some use and had to cut down, they would first worship the tree and pray for forgiveness.. "I am doing this because I have no other means to survive ,please forgive me." Trees were never viewed as non-living objects.                                          We used to protect species from extinction, now we drive  them to it .So much effort goes into educating our children to become engineers and doctors ,because we want to secure a happy future for them. But without clean air,soil.and water,they won't be able to survive at all, much less be happy.  Thus ,if we want to protect our children's  future,we should protect  the life giving air,earth and water.   In truth ,we have already gone too far astray to return in this lifetime,regardless, let us try and walk back as much as possible. By "walking back" I don't mean we have to give up all the  comfort of the modern day world and live like a monk.-merely that the current generation must imbibe spiritual values and instill them in its children. Our efforts can keep away pandemics,earthquakes,
tsunamis, floods and global warming to great extent. If we are also united  in our efforts, we can walk back  at least 10% of the way.But we also need the factor of grace.For that we need effort, humility, and to treat nature with respectful and prayerful attitude.                   Moving forward, we must be alert and cautious,We need to give spiritual thoughts and selfless actions the same importance we currently give ones aims at material ends.This is Nature's message to us.Let us stand united as one and work together with love,compassion and patience. Defforastration must be stopped and wild life should be protected.

Unity in diversity (Somali)

Adduunyada maanta, sharafta, mabda'a aasaasiga ah ee nolosha ilbaxnimada, waxaa lagu hubiyaa bani'aadamnimada, maadaama aqoonta iyo tikniyoolajiyaddu ay siisay dhiirrigelin isku mid ah iyo madax-bannaanida fikirka, caqliga iyo lahjadda.  Si kastaba ha noqotee, caalamiyeynta ayaa isku dayday inay hirgeliso isla aqoonta iyo sababaynta adduunka oo dhan, iyadoon loo eegin kala duwanaanshaha dhaqameed iyo masaafada juqraafiyeed.  Sababta asalka u ah dhibaatada-qalajinta isku mid ahaanta - waa mala awaal in bini aadamka oo dhami isku mid yahay, sidaa darteed, baahidiisa, himilooyinkiisa iyo himilooyinkiisu isku mid noqon doonaan.  Intii lagu gudajiray, waxaan meesha ka saaraynaa kala duwanaanshaha oo waxaan ka xayuubineynaa dadka aqoonsiyada aadka u kala soocaya. Xaqiiqada ah in dad ka mid ahi ay rumeysan karaan in qaab nololeedkoodu uu ka sarreeyo kan dadka kale sidaas darteedna ay tahay in lagu qasbo koox kale inay tahay lafteeda diidmo  fikradda isku mid ah, taas oo iyaduna, muhiim u ah midnimada.  Midnimadu waa marka aan mid nahay, mid ka mid ah maskaxda iyo ruuxa.  iswaafajin jira waa midnimo - Midnimo ku kala duwanaanta taas oo aan ujeedkeedu ahayn isudheellitir aan macquul ahayn oo ah isirka caqliga aadanaha.  Isku dayga lagu doonayo in jiritaanka aadanaha oo dhan loo rogo xogta iyadoo la adeegsanayo taageerada AI ayaa ah dalab dadka looga xayuubinayo jilitaankooda iyo gaar ahaantooda.  Hawshaani waa mid ka soo horjeedda dabeecadda. Naftu lafteedu waxay faafisaa kala-duwanaanta, iyadoo aan loo eegin sida tiknoolajiyada saxda ah ay u noqon karto inay kudayan karto waxyaabaha murugsan ee aadanaha.  Isku mid ahaanta la soo rogay waqtiyadii hore markii aynu kaligii talisnimada haysanay oo aynu xakamaynay dimoqraadiyada may ogolaanaynin fikradaha, caqiidooyinka iyo aragtiyadu inay ubaxaan.  Qaabka waxbarasho ee runta ah sidoo kale wuxuu aqbalaa kala duwanaanshaha fikradaha. Waan ka duwanaan karnaa, laakiin waan jiri karnaa, shaqeyn karnaa isla markaana ku guuleysan karnaa. Midnimo la gaari maayo haddii aan higsaneyno isku mid ahaanshaha. Raadinta midnimada ayaa dadka ka fogeyn karta isla markaana dhali kara  kala shaki.  Midnimadu kuma saabsana sarraynta, maxaa yeelay waa mid ixtiraam u leh dhammaan inta ku dhex jirta. Taariikhdu waxay ka marqaati kacaysaa xaqiiqda ah in u janjeedha awoodda sare ay yihiin kuwa ka dambeeya rabshadaha.  Xaaladdaan dhexdeeda, markaan u aragno gobolaysiga aragtida muxaafidka ee adduunka inay khaldan tahay, Gobolnimadu waxay gacan ka geysan kartaa ilaalinta dhaqammada maxalliga ah, caadooyinka iyo qaab nololeedka.  Waxaan raadineynaa dad ilaalinayay qaar ka mid ah dhaqamadaas maxaa yeelay tiknoolajiyadda iyo caalamiyeynta ayaa naga reebtay dhaxalka noocan oo kale ah .Sidaas darteed, waxaa muhiim ah in la arko baahida loo qabo in la ilaaliyo dhaqammada maxalliga ah iyada oo loo marayo xabsigaas oo aan loo eegin  barnaamij horumarineed oo kahortag ah.  Si aan ugu raaxeysanno nabad iyo barwaaqo, waa inaan garwaaqsanno inaanan isku mid ahayn.Waxaan kaloo garwaaqsan nahay, innaga oo ka duwan, waa inaan isu nimaadno midba midka kale si aan u xoojino bulshooyinkeenna aadanaha oo aan u kobcino hareeraheenna.  foom hodan ah maxaa yeelay way kala duwan tahay.  Dhawaan waxaan markhaati ka nahay dagaal qaraar oo u dhexeeya laba dal, kaasoo markii dambe isu beddelay laba diimood.  Waa inaan ogaano kaliya labada qof ee aan waxba galabsan inay yihiin dad carrab la '.

Unity in diversity (English)

In the present world,dignity,a basic tenet of civilised life,is ensured by humanism,as knowlege and technology have given impetus to equally and independence in thoughts,logic and dialectics.        However, globalisation has attempted to implement the same knowledge and reasoning worldwide, irrespective of cultural differences and geographical distances.                                      The root cause of the problem -mistaking uniformity for unity-is the presumption that all human beings are the same,therefore,their needs,aspirations and goals would be similar.                             In the process, we are doing away with diversity and depriving people of the very identities that distinguish them.The fact that one set of  people May believe that their lifestyle is superior to that of others and thus must be enforced upon another group is itself antithetical to the concept of equally,which in turn ,is essential for unity.           Unity is  when we are one;one in mind and spirit.Uniformity is achieved when all believe and practice likewise.The truth is ,as human beings we are one,but we are different individually.Realising,recognising and acknowledging one another's peculiarities and then existing harmoniously is unity -Unity in diversity which does not aim at the non-realistic homogenisation of the intelligent human race.  The attempt to turn all human existence in to data with the support of AI  is a bid to deprive people of their quirks and uniqueness. This endeavour is opposed to nature.Nature itself propagates diversity,whereas  no matter how accurate technology May become it cannot emulate the inexplicable complexities of human disposition.                            The imposed uniformity in the past when we had dictatorships and restrained democracy did not let ideas,beliefs and views blossom.Unity embraces and acknowledges contrast,dissents and variations and promotes a prosperous coexistence. True form of education also accepts difference of opinion.We May be different,but we can exist,work and thrive together.Unity is not achievable if we aim for uniformity.The pursuance of uniformity can chase people away from each other and give rise to mutual suspicion.    Unity is not about supremacy,for it is respectful of all within its fold.History bears witness to the fact that  supremacist tendencies are the originators of violence.They thus break societies,people and countries.                                              In this context,seeing regionalism as a conservative worldview is incorrect,Regionalism can help preserve local traditions,customs and way of life .The challange of the modern world are anyway compelling us to look back to the old ways.We are digging for local customs and traditions that were sustainable and accommodative.We are looking for people who were preserves of some of those traditions because technology and globalisation deprived us of such heritage .Thus ,it is important to see the need to protect local cultures through that prism and not as  an anti development programme.        To enjoy peace and prosperity,we must acknowledge that we are not identical.We must also recognise that,we,who are different, must come together with each other to strengthen our human societies and enrich our surroundings.Unity is thus central to our life form that is rich because it is diverse.       Recently we have witness bitter war between two countries,which later on converted between two faiths. We must realise only innocent from both the sides are mute sufferers.

Positive thoughts (Khamer)

ឥទ្ធិពលនៃការគិតលើសុខភាពរាងកាយរបស់យើងត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងយ៉ាងល្អ។  គំនិតនីមួយៗមានឥទ្ធិពលលើកោសិកានៃរាងកាយ។ ជំងឺមួយចំនួនធំសព្វថ្ងៃនេះគឺចិត្តសាស្ត្រដែលមានន័យថាមានអារម្មណ៍អវិជ្ជមានជាប់លាប់ដូចជាស្ត្រេសការភ័យខ្លាចឈឺចាប់ការមិនទុកចិត្តភាពច្របូកច្របល់ការធ្វើខុសបង្ហាញពីទម្រង់ជំងឺ។  ឥឡូវយើងសូមផ្តោតលើផលប៉ះពាល់នៃអារម្មណ៍វិជ្ជមានទៅលើសុខភាព។ សេចក្តីសុខសុភមង្គលការអភ័យទោសការទទួលយកការកោតសរសើរការជឿជាក់ការសាទរការគិត - ភាពរីករាយ - គំនិតវិជ្ជមាននីមួយៗមានឥទ្ធិពលលើកោសិកានៃរាងកាយរបស់យើង។ វាមិនមែនអំពី  ការគិតត្រូវនៅពេលដែលយើងមិនត្រឹមតែល្អប៉ុណ្ណោះទេប៉ុន្តែវាជាគំនិតរបស់យើងគ្រប់ពេល។ សូមឱ្យយើងចាប់ផ្តើមលុបបំបាត់ការរាំងស្ទះផ្លូវចិត្តការអាក់អន់ចិត្តពីអតីតកាលដោយមិនអាចបំភ្លេចនិងអភ័យទោសបានវាគ្រាន់តែជាគំនិតមួយប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ស្ថានភាពអាចកើតឡើង  ថ្ងៃឬឆ្នាំត្រឡប់មកវិញ។ ប៉ុន្តែប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំអាចមានអារម្មណ៍ថាមានអារម្មណ៍ថាសូម្បីតែនៅថ្ងៃនេះ, បន្ទាប់មកខ្ញុំកំពុងមានការស្ទះអារម្មណ៍ដែលបានចាប់ផ្តើមបង្កើតការស្ទះថាមពលនៅក្នុងរាងកាយរបស់ខ្ញុំ។  នៅពេលយើងនិយាយអំពីការជាសះស្បើយយើងតែងតែផ្តោតលើការជាសះស្បើយដែលជាជម្ងឺខាងរាងកាយប៉ុន្តែប្រសិនបើយើងមិនបំបាត់ឬសគល់នៃជម្ងឺដែលជាការស្ទះផ្នែកអារម្មណ៍នោះទេរាងកាយអាចកើតឡើងម្តងទៀត។ រាល់ពេលដែលយើងជ្រើសរើសការអាណិតអាសូរលើកំហឹងការអភ័យទោស  ជាងការអាក់អន់ចិត្ត;  ទុកចិត្តលើការសង្ស័យកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការលើការប្រកួតប្រជែងការកោតសរសើរចំពោះការរិះគន់ - យើងកំពុងជ្រើសរើសសុខភាពជាងជំងឺ។ សូមឱ្យយើងដឹងអំពីរាល់គំនិតដែលយើងបង្កើតទាក់ទងនឹងរាងកាយរបស់យើង - មិនថាវាជារូបរាងឬសុខភាពរបស់យើងទេ។  ឥទ្ធិពលនៃគំនិតវិជ្ជមានត្រូវបានកត់សម្គាល់សូម្បីតែលើទឹកនិងរុក្ខជាតិដោយអ្នកវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រមួយចំនួន។  ដូច្នេះសូមឱ្យយើងបន្សាបនូវគំនិតនិងលុបបំបាត់រាល់ការចងចាំនៃការឈឺចាប់ពីព្រោះការបន្សាបជាតិពុលនៅក្នុងចិត្តចាប់ផ្តើមបន្សាបជាតិពុលនៅក្នុងខ្លួនរបស់យើង។  បច្ចេកទេសឥណ្ឌាបុរាណនៃការធ្វើសមាធិក៏ត្រូវបានគេរកឃើញថាមានប្រយោជន៍នៅក្នុងវា។

Positive thoughts (English)

The effect of thought on our physical health is well established. Each thought has an effect on the cells of the body.A large number of disease today are psychosomatic,which means  persistent negative emotions like stress,anger fear,hurt,mistrust,jealously, guilt,manifest in the form of disease.                                          Let us now focus on the effect of positive feelings on health.Love,peace,happiness, forgiveness, acceptance,appreciation, trust,enthusiasm-each powerful and positive thought is having an effect on the cells of our body.It is not about the right thinking when we are not well only,but it's about our thoughts at all time.Let us begin clearing our emotional blockages,past hurt     resentment,not being able to forget and forgive,it is only a thought away.The situation May have happened days or years back.but if I am able to feel that emotions even today,then I am carrying an emotional blockage,which has already begun creating a physical blockage of energy in my body.                                         When we talk about healing,we always focus on healing,the physical ailment,but if we don't remove the root of the ailment which is an emotional blockage,the physical ailment can recur.Each time we are choosing compassion over anger,forgiveness over resentment; trust over doubt;Cooperation over competition;appreciation over criticism-we are choosing health over disease.Let us be aware of every thought that we create regarding our body- whether it is about the way we look or about our health.                           Effect of positive thoughts are noticed even on water and plants by some scientists.                                           So let us detoxify mind and erase every memory of pain because detoxification of mind begins detoxification of our body. Ancient indian technique of meditation is also found helpful in it.

Power of words (Italian)

C'è una differenza tra ciò che funziona e ciò che non funziona. Qualità simili nell'aspetto esteriore possono essere radicalmente diverse nella motivazione interiore e nei risultati.  La persistenza amplia le nostre opzioni, la testardaggine le limita.  La fiducia attrae le persone e trasforma le opportunità in risultati. L'arroganza dilapida le opportunità e allontana le persone.  .  La generosità ci guadagna grande ammirazione e lealtà. La stravaganza ti fa sembrare sciocco e insicuro.  .  Sfidare gli altri a dare il meglio di sé può portare a risultati diffusi. Rimproverare gli altri per il loro comportamento peggiore creerà sicuramente un enorme risentimento.  Non diventare così ossessionato da una cosa buona che si trasforma in una cosa cattiva. Ricorda, non è solo quello che fai, è il motivo per cui lo fai. Non ci vuole più sforzo per essere cortesi che per essere scortesi.  Eppure la cortesia può portare molto più valore nella tua vita e nel mondo intorno a te, rispetto alla maleducazione. Ogni volta che interagiamo con un'altra persona hai una preziosa opportunità.  Hai l'opportunità di trattare quella persona con cortesia e rispetto.  Anche quando non sei d'accordo, puoi comunque essere cortese e rispettoso al riguardo. Tutti meritano di essere trattati con cortesia? Probabilmente no. Ma questo non ha molta importanza. Perché la cortesia e il rispetto che mostri verso gli altri dicono di te più che  fa su di loro.  Sii sinceramente rispettoso e sarai rispettato.  Sii veramente cortese e guadagnerai l'ammirazione degli altri. Ogni interazione è la nostra opportunità per guadagnarci il rispetto degli altri. Pensa a tutte le persone con cui entri in contatto quotidianamente e immagina che impatto ha il tuo impegno di cortesia  e il rispetto potrebbe avere.  Un famoso santo indiano dice: "La persona dovrebbe parlare in modo tale che possa raffreddare gli altri e anche te. Le parole dolci con un tono educato fanno meraviglia nella nostra vita. Prima di parlare, comprendi il punto di vista degli altri. Ha un motivo motivante.  effetto su altri..La cooperazione reciproca crea un'atmosfera "win win".

Power of words(Chinese simplified)

有效与无效之间存在细微差别。外表相似的品质在内在动机和结果上可能完全不同。 坚持扩大了我们的选择,固执限制了他们。 自信吸引人,把机会转化为成就。傲慢浪费机会,把人推开。  . 慷慨为我们赢得了极大的钦佩和忠诚。奢侈让你看起来很愚蠢和没有安全感。  . 挑战他人做到最好可以带来广泛的成就。责骂他人最坏的行为肯定会引起巨大的怨恨。 不要沉迷于一件好事,以至于它变成了一件坏事。记住,这不仅仅是你做了什么,而是你为什么这样做。礼貌并不比粗鲁更需要努力。 然而礼貌可以为你的生活和你周围的世界带来更多的价值,而不是粗鲁。每次我们与另一个人互动时,你都有一个宝贵的机会。 你有机会礼貌和尊重地对待那个人。 即使你不同意,你仍然可以礼貌和尊重它。每个人都应该受到礼貌对待吗?可能不是。但这并不重要。因为你对别人表现出的礼貌和尊重比你更能说明你的问题 它确实关于他们。 真诚地尊重你,你就会受到尊重。 真正有礼貌,你会赢得别人的钦佩。每一次互动都是我们赢得别人尊重的机会。想想你每天接触的所有人,想象一下你对礼貌的承诺会有什么影响 和尊重可以有。 一位著名的印度圣人说:“人说话的方式应该能让别人和你都感到凉爽。礼貌语气的甜言蜜语使我们的生活充满奇迹。说话之前先了解别人的观点。它有一种激励作用。 对他人的影响..相互合作营造“双赢”.氛围。

Power of words(Shona)

Hunhu hwakanaka pakati pezvinhu zvinoshanda nezvisingashande. Hunhu hwakafanana nechitarisiko chekunze hunogona kuve hwakasiyana zvakanyanya mukukurudzira kwemukati, uye nemhedzisiro yavo.  Kutsungirira kunowedzera zvatinosarudza, kuomesa musoro kunovaganhurira.  Chivimbo chinokwezva vanhu uye chinoshandura mukana kuti uwane kubudirira .. Kuzvitutumadza kunokanganisa mukana nekusundidzira vanhu kuenda kure.  .  Rupo runoita kwatiri kurumbidzwa kukuru uye kuvimbika. Kuwedzeredza kunoita kuti uratidzike sebenzi uye kusagadzikana.  .  Kuomesera vamwe kuti vave kugona kwavo kunogona kutungamira mukubudirira kwakawanda. Kuudza vamwe nezvehunhu hwavo hwakaipisisa kunovimbisa kutsamwa kukuru.  Usanyanyobatikana nechakanaka chinhu uye chinobva chashanduka kuita chakaipa Rangarira, hazvisi izvo chete zvaunoita, ndosaka uchizviita.  Uye zvakadaro ruremekedzo runogona kuunza zvakanyanya kukosha zvakanyanya muhupenyu hwako uye nenyika yakakukomberedza, kupfuura hutsinye hungave hwacho Nguva dzese dzatinosangana nemumwe munhu une mukana wakakosha.  Une mukana wekubata munhu iyeye neruremekedzo uye nekuremekedza.  Kunyangwe paunenge usingawirirane, unogona kuramba uine hunhu uye uchiremekedza nezvazvo.Munhu wese anofanirwa kubatwa neruremekedzo here?  zvinoita nezvavo.  Nyatsoremekedza uye ucharemekedzwa.  Iva nehunhu chaihwo uye uchahwina kukudzwa kwevamwe. Zvese kudyidzana mukana wedu wekuwana rukudzo rwevamwe Funga nezvevanhu vese vaunosangana navo zuva nezuva, uye chimbofungidzira zvingakanganisa kuzvipira kwako kururemekedzo.  uye kuremekedza kwaigona kuva.  Mumwe musande wemuIndia ane mukurumbira anoti "Munhu anofanira kutaura nenzira yekuti itonhorere vamwe newe newe. Mazwi anotapira ane mutsindo matauriro anoita kushamisika muhupenyu hwedu. Usati watanga kutaura tanga wanzwisisa maonero evamwe.  kushanda pane kumwe..Kubatana pamwe chete kugadzira "kukunda kuhwina".

Power of soul(Dutch)

Je moet van binnenuit groeien. Niemand kan ons iets leren, niemand kan ons spiritueel maken. Er is geen andere leraar dan onze eigen ziel.  Men kan niet in god geloven totdat we in onszelf geloven. We zijn altijd vrij, als we het maar zouden geloven, alleen geloof genoeg hebben.  Het grote geheim van echt succes, van echt geluk, is dit: de mens die om geen terugkeer vraagt, de volmaakt onzelfzuchtige persoon, is het meest succesvol.  De grootste religie is trouw zijn aan je eigen natuur. Heb vertrouwen in jezelf.  Denk nooit dat er iets onmogelijk is voor de ziel. Het is een grootste ketterij om dat te denken. Als er een zonde is, is dit de enige zonde; te zeggen dat je zwak bent, of anderen of zwak.. Wat je ook denkt, dat je  Als je denkt dat je zwak bent, zal je zwak zijn; als je denkt dat je sterk bent, zal je sterk zijn.  De opgewekte geest zet door en de sterke geest baant zich een weg door duizend moeilijkheden.  Zoals verschillende stromen met verschillende bronnen hun wateren in de zee vermengen, zo leiden verschillende neigingen, hoe verschillend ze ook lijken, krom of recht, allemaal tot almachtig.  De krachten van de geest zijn als de stralen van de zon, wanneer ze geconcentreerd zijn, verlichten ze.  A. geloof in onszelf was uitgebreider onderwezen en beoefend. Ik ben er zeker van dat een zeer groot deel van het kwaad en de ellende die we hebben, verdwenen zou zijn.  De geest is slechts het subtiele deel van het lichaam. Men moet grote kracht in onze geest en woorden behouden.  Alle waarheid is eeuwig. De waarheid is niemands eigendom, geen ras, geen enkel individu kan er enige exclusieve aanspraak op maken. De waarheid is de aard van alle zielen. De waarheid is geen eerbetoon aan een samenleving, oud of modern.  De samenleving moet de waarheid eren of verdwijnen.

Power of soul(English)

One has to grow from inside out.None can teach us,none can make us spiritual.There is no other teacher but our own soul. One can not believe in god untill we believe in ourself.We are ever free,if we would only believe it,only have faith enough.                   The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this;the human being who ask for no return,the perfectly unselfish person,is the most successful. The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature.Have faith in yourselves .                                         Never think there is anything impossible for the soul.It is a greatest heresy to think so.If there is a sin,this is the only sin;to say that you are weak,or others or weak..                Whatever you think ,that you will be.If you think yourself weak,weak you will be;if you think yourself strong,strong you will be.                                      The cheerful mind perseveres and the strong mind hews its way through a thousand difficulties.                        As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea,so different tendencies, various though they appear,crooked or straight,all leads to almighty. The powers of  the mind are like the rays of the sun when they are concentrated they illuminate. in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced.I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished. The mind is but the subtle part of the body.One must retain great strength in our mind and words.                                             All truth is eternal.Truth is nobody's property, no race,no individual can lay,any exclusive claim to it.Truth is the nature of all souls.Truth does not pay homage to any society,ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to truth or vanish.

Encourage (English)

Give Encouragement and it expands.When we encourage someone else the person who ends up with the most profound encouragement is very often we ourself..Every life is filled with unused potential. Encouragement breaks that potential loose,activate it,transform it in to all kind of good things.Even just a little bit of encouragement  can create a shift to a whole new perspective.Knowing that someone cares,feeling the reality of that caring,change the world.                                     I remember the time when I was posted as English teacher in remote area.I was given task by my principle to get 100%result in board examination particularly in English subject .I studied myself whole syllabus, previous year papers of board exams.Well planned strategy is prepared. In first quarterly exam I achieve near  about 50%result.On analysis I found some of the students who belongs to slum and poor background failed in examination.A girl whose name was Niloo was physically weak and too much afraid of my subject.According to my fellow teacher she was the weakest child in all subjects. I decided to give full attention to  that girl child.Special attention was given to her mid day meal in school.In the unit test after encouragement she wrote something in copy and after that I gave very good remark to her. Every day group reading start with her.I instructed all students to give big applaus  for her effort.Special attention was given to her writing.Everyone was surprised to see her beard result which is 85%.Constant encouragement to her made me able to achieve my target of 100%result. I got certificates from higher authorities and got posting at my favorite place.
Encouragement is contagious.One person who is encouraged will encourage many others who will themselves pass encouragement along.                 All around us are people who can benifit from your encouragement, including you.If you seek to make a difference, thats a potent opportunity for doing so.Offer encouragement. Be a positive, encouraging  force in the lives force in the lives of those around you,and in your own life as well.                Do all you can to be capable and competent, decisive,effective, successful. But don't let your whole identity get wrapped up in those things.                        You are more than your capabilities, more than your achievement. Those things are great,and important,, yet they are things you do,not who you are. No loss ,no failure, no reversal of fortune can diminish the true and unique value of you.You can do impressive things as well as humiliating things,and still your beautiful essence remains.                                         Achievement large and small are concrete expressions of the value that is your life.Yet that value is always there ,with and without the achievement. From deep inside,we feel driven to share  the value of our life.

Mind and Knowledge (English)

All Knowledge that the world has ever received comes and originated from mind..The infinite liberary of universe is in our mind.The cheerful mind persevers and the strong mind hews its way through a thousand difficulties..There is no limit to the power of the human mind.The more concentrated it is,the more power is brought to bear on one point.If the mind is intensely eager and determined,every thing  can be accomplished.Mountains can be crumbled into atom.          Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in human.Books are  infinite in number and time is short to study them.The secret of Knowledge and wisdom ,is to take what is essential.Take that and try to live up to it. A fool may buy all the books in the world.and they will be in his liberary but he will be able to read only these that  he deserve to.Learn everything that is good from others,but being it in and in one's own way absorb it but don't copy them.                                                 The great secret of true success, of true happiness,is this,the man and woman who ask for no return,the perfectly unselfish person,is the most successful. Each soul is potentially divine.The goal is to menifest this divinity within by controlling our behaviour.Do this either by work,or worship or psychic control or philosophy- by one or more or all of these  and be free.Every individual  is a centre  for the manifestation of certain force. This force  has been stored up as the resultant of previous work or deed.We act according to our past experience and each one of us is born with this force at our back.Those  who work at a thing whole heartedly  and soul not only achieve success in it but through their absorbtion in  that they also realise the supreme truth the almighty.Those  who work at a thing with their whole heart receive  help from God.                   Past experience, Knowledge, and trust in God result in our forming our attitude. Suerly attitude   is small thing which makes a big difference.Our attitude results in Action which determine  our Luck.

Capturing Moments: Memorable Photographs of the Shukla Family

Grand Father late shri Jhumak Lal Shukla and late shrimati Ram Bai Shukla Divyansh's Grand father la...