Showing posts with label #indian telegraph plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #indian telegraph plant. Show all posts

Indian telegraph plant (English)

The leaves of indian telegraph plant appear to greet the bright rays of the sun  with a movement that resembles a "namaste" (greeting) When exposed to bright sunshine, the leaves of the telegraph plant move up and down and from side to side for two or three minutes at a time,and then pause.The leaves keep moving thus all through the day as long as there is bright sunshine. The movement stops in the evening after the sun has set.                   Scientists believe that the leaves move in this fashion in order to position themselves to receive maximum sunlight. Interestingly, the leaves also show considerable movement when stimulated by high pitched sound.                              ............  Introduction:Cordariocalyx motorius ,known as the telegraph plant,or semaphore plant,is a tropical asian shrub,one of a few plants capable of rapid movement, others include Mimosa pudica and the venus flytrap.It prefers moist soil,though not soggy.During the winter,when the plant is dormant ,keep the soil damp and waterless frequently. Place your telegraph plant in strong sunlight.Also known as dancing plants,the telegraph plant  is a fascinating tropical plant that dances as the leaves move up and down in bright light.

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