Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donate paypal account Show all posts

Win the soul

Our body which is our physical costume often becomes a target of judgment. Criticism or rejection by us or other. For the way ,It serves us throughout our life in different ways.It deserves appreciation and gratitude.Focus should be on feeling happy and healthy,and not on appearing thinner,taller or fairer.
Lets becomes aware of thoughts and words about our body,especially when admiring someone else.Consciouly change and send  an energy of appreciation to the body we already is easier to cultivate love and respect for the body onces we stop judging others.                              Lets not pay excessive attention to people's appearance, dressing,diet or lifestyle,Homes and somany. We need to schedule enough time to ensure that our body is clean,dressed comfortably, nourish properly ,exercised sufficiently and rested completely.. Lets noticed what else goes into and around our body-Sunlight,computer/phone light, spectacles/lens,earphones,soap,cosmetics, jewellery and so on.If it includes negative substance, lets re -evaluate and consume only what is healthy.                                              We often believe that our happiness depends on how our body looks. Casual statements like I am not happy about how I look send a very powerful negative message to the mind and our body.                                                 Truth is how you look does not make you happy and contented, but our happiness definitely makes us look attractive. People around you  May have opinions about how our body looks but take care that we should nevar criticise or reject our body."I am fat...." "I am dark....  " "I am week...." every words say we are rejecting our body.           Take care of your body,keep it fit, but do with energy of love ,appreciation and gratitude.Pause a few time today to appreciate and thank your bodAlways keep in  mind your  physical appearance May attract someone but merit wins the soul. So work on improving yourself both physically and mentally

Be energetic

Now a days due to frequent lockdown we feel lazy and less energetic. Here are some technique to feel energetic and vibrant in life.   (1)Adopt morning exercise and deep breathing with indian yogic practice "Pranayam". It will also increase oxygen level in body and you wil feel rejunvated.                                                         (2)Every morning after a regular water and getting fresh have 5 munakka soaked overnight in water along with water.                    (3)Go workout massage your body before bathing                                                                      (4)Make to do list. Finish them one by one. Completing and achieving task, will feel you motivated. Avoid multi tasking which will drain your energey.                                                              (5)Ensure deep and sound sleep in the night. In case of worries use yogic sleep..sound sleep will help you to keep active day long..                  (6)Improve Your digestive  system and metabolism. Try to eat digestive food and increase fruit in take in food. Eat food with properly chewing and give sufficient time to lunch and dinner.It will always feel you fresh.       (7)Read motivational books and quote of great people  Feeling fresh and energetic also depends on our mind .Avoid negative thoughts and negative people. Keep yourself in company of highly motivated people.                                     (8)Dance and enjoy music.Dance make our body and mind flexible. Great indian god shiv shankar used to dance . Dance made him embodiment of great energey. Some  good friends of mine cover 1000 km of car journey with me ,with constantly playing hit music.Their observation after journey was how time passed we don't know..                                  (9)/We should avoid over indulgance. Excessively watching T. V or working on internet can make us lazy. So allot specific time periof for them.                                                (10)Listen carefully to those who criticise you.They are doing you favour even though that May not be their intention. If the totally unfounded. It is affirmation that you are making difference. If the criticism has some substance. It is truely valuable feedback.                    


Tommorow is a promisnary notes,yesterday is a cancelled check.Only today is ready cash  ,use it.Only today is when we can make our beautiful future..If we can use our today. In most productive way.we get a quality result in future.                                                                          Question is how can we utilse our day in a perfect way? It is most beneficial when we can plan it in advance. . Making things to do list and then completing task is the most satisfying experience.. It is most beneficial if we reward ourself. For every task completed.      It is good if we can decide daily routine. Morning time can we given to make practice of skill like writing.. Consistancey is also key to success in any field. We can daily assign task to one new skill..We can plan new projects and  get result by working over them..  

let go

Letting go" is very important exercise one should know for relaxed  lifestyle . In our day to day life we receive and loss many things. I saw people crying even on a amaal dent on car. Ancient hindu scriptures says attachment is a major cause of our worries and anxiety.            Now things come to our mind how it can be done. It is very easy to say let go to any thing but difficult to leave  To overcome unnecessary wishes we should practice meditation. We should realise great power of  our soul to creat and generate any thing. Whatever is lost can be recovered.                                                               Habit of saying let go often lead us to start a new . we can gather. Our past mistakes. give a thoughts to steps of improvement.. 

Adopt organic forming

Acces use of fertiligers, and pescticides in our agriculture practice,, have given bed impact on our health..In some areas of India a "blue baby" desease is noticed.                                               Our health is a precious thing which we can protect by eating organic food. .As the name suggest,organic forming,is done by organic material. Even common men can grow  these organic vegetables on the floor of the house.,in bolconey or in the rough of the house.                    One can take one pot for one vegetables.
Make a little whole in the bottom. Put some pebbles and soil over it. Little send should be added. Cow dunk as organic fertilisers  should be added to it.Then put the water and seed of your choice.In a week or so you get a vegetables of your choice and test

Capturing Moments: Memorable Photographs of the Shukla Family

Grand Father late shri Jhumak Lal Shukla and late shrimati Ram Bai Shukla Divyansh's Grand father la...