Periodic Test One Model Test Paper class 9th CBSE pattern

 Periodic Test One

Time 2 hours                                           Maximum marks 20

Important Instructions

[1]All questions are compulsory
[2] Neat and clean handwriting will be awarded extra marks
[3] Answers must be to the point, consisting value point and within words limit

                            SECTION A [READING]

Question [1] Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below [Any Five]             2 Marks

While we may not all possess the ability to paint the Mona Lisa, compose like Mozart, cook like Julia Child, or write like Hemingway, every human being is born with a special talent. Some people are able to find and learn to express their talents early on while others might discover them later in life. We are all creative beings, and creative beings need to create as much as we need to eat, breathe and sleep. Creativity has different meaning for different people and unfortunately, due to many factors (one’s upbringing, religion, busy schedule, et cetera), that creativity is often stifled. Its importance is not valued as much as it should be, which can have a powerful effect on one’s overall ability to achieve true happiness and success in life. If we stifle our creativity or discount its importance, we create blockages in other aspects of life, which can hinder our ability to move forward in different areas like health, work and personal relationships.

No matter how busy one’s schedule is, it is very important to schedule time for self-care, specifically for expressing creativity. Trying out different hobbies is a great way to explore one’s creativity because it can be very enjoyable. Some people find one hobby and fall in love with it so much it becomes their passion. For example, I love to play with natural ingredients and blend essential oils. Making all-natural, organic skin care products and teaching the recipes in my community workshops is one of my passions. Some people prefer to try different hobbies for shorter periods of time, or change them up each season to stay interested and keep trying different things.

One great thing about hobbies is that there are no set rules. Each person gets to decide how often they want to do it and whether they want to stick with it for a long time or move on to something else after trying it for a few weeks or months.

Another valuable aspect of hobbies is that one can enjoy them quietly when enjoying some downtime alone, or as a way to become involved with a community. Book clubs, art or cooking classes, writers’ workshops, knitting circles, gardening clubs – nearly every type of hobby presents an opportunity to meet with other likeminded individuals and build relationships. This could be beneficial on both a personal and professional level. In any business, especially the salon and spa business, teamwork is vital to success. Hobbies can be a great way to create a community among coworkers either in or outside of the spa. Sometimes if co-workers are not getting along, having them participate in a seemingly non-work related hobby, where all participants are novices, can be great for creating common ground. Oftentimes, the simple act of providing an opportunity for a person to find and express his or her own inherent creative talents produces significant positive changes. When people experience something as simple and profound as creating something beautiful from seemingly nothing, they begin to view the world – and daily environments – in a fresh, new way.

  1. What is creativity? What do we achieve from creativity?
  2. How can one explore one’s creativity? What do people do to stay interested in hobbies?
  3. How do hobbies help build community or social relationship? In which way, does this benefit us?
  4. What kind of workplace problem do hobbies help to solve? How ?
  5. The synonym of the word ‘stifled’ in para 1 is
    1. Identify the word in para 4 which means ‘the time when one is not working’.

    Question 2 Read the Passage carefully and Answer the questions given below  .                                                  2 Marks

    How you best improve your English depends on where you live, and particularly on, whether or not you live in an English-speaking community. If you hear spoken English every day and mix freely with English speaking people, that is, on the whole, an advantage. On the other hand, it is often confusing to have the whole language poured over you at once. Ideally, a step by step course should accompany or lead up to this experience. It will also help a great deal if you can easily get the sort of English books in which you are interested.

    To read a lot is essential. It is stupid not to venture outside the examination ‘set books’ or the text books you have chosen for the intensive study. Read as many books in English as you can, not as study material but for pleasure. Do not choose the more difficult books you find, with the idea of listing and learning as many new words as possible. Choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance that it is not too hard. You should not have to be constantly looking up for new words in the dictionary, for that deadens the interest and checks real learning. Look up a word here and there but, as a general policy try to push ahead, guessing what words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive reading that normally helps you to get interested in extra reading and thereby improve your English. You should enjoy the feeling, what extensive reading gives, some command of the language. As you read, you will become more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already know; understanding them better as you meet them in more contexts, some of which may differ only slightly from others.

    1. When can you learn English faster?
    2. What does the author recommend for learning English?
    3. What does the author recommend for improving English?
    4. How can reading help us in learning English?

    1. Give Suitable title of the passage?                                                  SECTION B [Writing Section]                                                                                         Question [3] Write a Short story on basis of verbal imputes given below
    King of jungle,........ called meeting,............organize race event.,.......
    Tortoise and Rabit decided to take part,............Rabit sure to win.........Take rest and slept,...........Tortoise won.              6 Marks  
    Question [4] You are Ravi ,Resident of 9, Gurukulam Campus Bhopal al.

      Write a letter to Editor The Times Of India Bhopal ,expressing concern over use of loud speakers in Puja Pandals.   ....3 Marks
                                         SECTION C                                                            2   Question [5] Give Answer to any Five question from your text book. Each question carry  2 Marks                                                        

    [a] Where was Toto kept immediately after grandfather got him? Why?

    [b] Who had a third hand? Why was it considered a hand?

    [c] Describe how Toto took bath in cold winter evenings.

     [d] Who are Margie and Tommy? How old are they?
    [e] Where was Margie’s school? Did she have any classmates?

    [f] How did ‘Pungi’ get its new name? What was it?


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