Saturday 29 June 2024

T.S .Eliot -The chief tool of a criric

According to T.S. Eliot, the chief tools of a critic are ยน:
- *Comparison*: Eliot argues that comparison is a vital tool for critics as it allows them to analyze and evaluate literary works.
- *Analysis*: Eliot believes that analysis is essential for critics to understand and interpret literary texts.
- *Facts*: Eliot emphasizes the importance of facts in critical writing, suggesting that critics should focus on the text itself rather than their personal opinions or emotions.
- *Objectivity*: Eliot advocates for objectivity in critical writing, encouraging critics to approach texts with detachment and impartiality.
- *Respect for tradition*: Eliot believes that critics should respect literary traditions and the cultural context in which texts were written.
- *Technical expertise*: Eliot suggests that critics should have a deep understanding of literary techniques and forms to appreciate the craftsmanship of literary works.


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