Learning The Basics Of Etiquette


The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group .

No species on earth other than human beings follow etiquette .The ancient stone age man may not have observed etiquette, but definitely had certain social structure and norm to follow. As civilization  evolved so was the way and norms defined and redefined and re-invented. Every  society and community has its own culture ,traditions and ways to follow.While the west was more modern and believed in pomp and show the Eastern society did not lag behind with its own customs and traditions. It is learn that in rural India which was less hygieneic compared to the urban part they had their own ways and rules of living in communities. There were rules set by the village head when it came to answering call of nature as rural folk had the practice of open defecation.
In this blog survey will be done of various  countries and society regarding kind of social manner and etiquettes prvelent there.
As societies advanced etiquette became more defined and followed. Although there may be books on etiquette but there are no defined rules. To quote"Every man is a gentleman, unless proved otherwise. "
One fundamental guidelines when it comes to etiquette is respect for other person as well as the liberty of the other. Second is the golden rule of making the fellow being comfortable rather than giving discomfort. The third being courtesy. In India covering the head with the sari palla or scarf by women is kind of respect to elders and is being followed generation after generation. The head of the house has his own place to sit and dine and no other family member can occupy that space.Elders will be given respect by touching their feet.

Western Countries
West gives us more defined way when it comes to the attire, the way to dine, attend parties or even funerals. White clothes are mostly worn during funerals. Musicians tag their ear when they utter the name of their master during conversation or concert as a mark of respect.
While nobody is born expert or perfect but acquires skill by being observant  and using common sense. Covering the face with handkerchief while sneezing or coughing may be basic etiquette or rule for hygiene, same as talking in whispers in a cinema hall or concert.
We are now in a fast changing world wherein etiquette is as important as one's degree and other qualifications.Schools in metro cities may be having classes on etiquette and these are experts who conduct workshops on etiquette. Hence a student from rural background may excel in his studies and gain good position in an organization but may lag behind in following etiquette and be an object of redicule. 
Etiquette can be learnt from observation but it would be futile to blindly follow a practice.An executive found cleaning his spectacles with his neck tie during the meeting. He may have caught this after seeing a comedian in a movie wiping his goggles with his neck tie, taking this to be a style or etiquette.
Similarly, a few can be seen wearing a neck tie with a checkered shirt and striped trousers or neck tie on polka dots shirts. In one instance, I saw pharmaceutical company marketing man with a neck tie and slippers on his feet. When I told him he should wear shoes  he  was very naive in saying that he did not know it and was wearing slippers as he had a wound on his feet.
Our traditional system in marriages was to serve food to guests seated on floor in a pangat. This is the age of buffet and people do not realise that they can go for second serve or third serve but fill the plate with all the dishes and dessert on top like a pyramid. The noodles dangling from the sides. On one occasion, I saw one of the guest in a seminar take the ceramic plate which was beautiful ash tray for treating himself with snacks. During the days of royalty if paan was served to guests spittoon was also placed nearby. I was driving once in my car and saw the man infront on his motorbike take out his helmet while driving. To my utter surprise, he removed the helmet while driving to spit as he was chewing tobacco. In a civilised society, good manners, etiquette, style and protocol are practiced.
Heads Of States
Heads of state irrespective of their education and other background are required to have basic etiquette and also be aware of the etiquette and protocol of the nation they are visiting. A dignitary can not afford to commit faux pas.
With the introduction of smartphone, smart automobiles, home appliances, artificial intelligence, we all need to have etiquette to make the society a better place to live in Sometimes etiquette is synonymous to rule of law and basic hygiene like waiting for the traffic signal to turn green rather than jumping the red light and not parking the vehicle on zebra crossing.
In light of continuos havoc of pandemic, we also need to adopt Covid appropriate behavior. Maintaning six feet distance, Doing most of the work online, instead of shaking hand, Indian style of Nameste, wearing Mask are also a part of etiquette.


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