Know Yourself

: Knowing yourself: You cannot know everything about anyone, in the same way we know very little about ourselves.  When we make prejudice about someone, then we should keep this in mind.  It is easy to assume that you know the thoughts and motivations of others. While you do not know your own thoughts and motivations in a good way, every person you meet has their feelings and experiences with them about whom  You have no idea.  This is a big reason that we should take care of respect and kindness in every conversation and pay attention to the excellence of the conversation without any error.  You pay attention to any such thought when you have prayed to give justice to someone from the universe. Instead, give him a sweet smile, talk with a sensible heart and a helping point of view.  Can not leave the impression of long time but you can make a long lasting friendship just by giving a little respect and kindness feelings in their way. You have the power to change the world by changing your everyday conversation too.  .  Make a habit of helping others. This world needs this powerful mantra, you can make it stronger by repeating it.  You cannot become successful by repeating that the world is very unjust. There are many unjust things in the world, but you cannot reach anywhere by making an excus Your best response would be to act on them, inside them, through them all around them. By accepting the fact that life is very unjust and somehow a tremendous success.  Feel: fighting injustice is laudable. But sometimes fighting it makes it stronger and changes our behavior.  Therefore, most of the time, adopt the quality of Chama.: one way to fight injustice is to make it inconsistent When you create ways of success for yourself and others, the doors of success are opened for you, in spite of adverse circumstances, you will be able to make these situations powerless.  This world is full of injustice and inequalities, but there are many practical and creative ways in which one can be elevated from these negative situations.

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