Answers (English)

: Answer: I feel that I have a good answer. You think, you have a better one than that. Although we both disagree, but both are right in their place.  Life is what we feel.  This is also what we think. Your emotions enrich your thoughts and make them color and meaningful. Your thoughts connect your feelings with some degree of discipline and reality.  The way of thinking generally seems to be the opposite of the way of feeling.  But both ways create very good conditions, so in reality they are not even so hostile to each other. Have feelings and thoughts ever pushed you towards disagreement?  See if you can develop a good understanding by balancing your feelings and thoughts. Listening and understanding opposing thoughts is also a part of education.
: I can neither accept intelligence and feelings against each other, nor do they live
 Take a few steps back, work on balancing the two and refine your best personality.  If you put all your energy into saving yourself from the chances of failure, then you will only get failure.  To get some of life's rewards, you have to live some risk-taking life.
 : It is unwise to take unnecessary risks, but it would be far more foolish not  to take risks When you take action, there is always a possibility of some mistakes but if you do not take any action to move forward, you will never get any achievement. 
Ifyou decide to do something, then there is always a possibility that something may go wrong, but  if you never make a decision, then you can never do something right.  The right decision is necessary to change destiny and it should be based on our knowledge, experience, and beliefs so far.

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