Enlightened life(English)

: Life is precious thing. Everyday we have a choice to  make it enjoyable and pleasant.We have a choice-to 
live an ordinary life and sufferer,or to live an enlightened life and enjoy.Ordinary life is full of drudgery, dissatisfaction, sorrow and termoil.It is a rat race with others who are also  sailing in the same boat.There is no understanding of life and happiness.As opposed to that,an enlightened life is marked by the exercises of choice ,and action with awareness and fulfilment. Here are some points which are noteworthy in enlightened people.                                   First,there should be a perfect balance and coordination in our activities.Due importance must be given to following four thing mainly maintaining good health,work life,family life and social life.We sometime overemphasise one and neglect others,therefore happiness and contended life eludes us.A healthy body can only be an instrument of enjoyment.Fulfilling work engagement gives us livelihood and satisfaction. Family is the fulcrum of our happiness and joy.Society is a big support system of our well-being and welfare.So one should not overlook any of these four pillers in our day to day life.
Second ,happiness comes if we travel light in life.Too many properties and possessions are more of burden than means of happiness.We have to spend more time on maintaining, servicing,and protecting them.It May be properties,vichicles,clothes or May be shoes.It adds to the load on our mind.The mind has to be free and worryless to enjoy life.Minimalist living is the best way to be happy.A smaller but beautiful place of  dwelling,fewer possessions, few good companions is all that one needs to be happy. Third our attitude towards our professional work can positively change our life for the better.Adopting a aim of excellence in whatever we do,no carelessness,no laziness,using our best brain for our work, and having minimum expectations for rewards will help,Getting the satisfaction of having done the best is powerful enough to make one happy  and contended.                                     Fourth ,enjoy life but with full awareness. There is no direct correlation between money and happiness.There are so many intermittent factors in between  that decides the level of happiness.One has to constantly watch and think,Whether what we call enjoyment gives us real happiness, or does it have consequences that will ultimately makes us unhappy?Like tobacco gives a temporary  pleasure but it has serious health repurcurssions.Is it enjoyment or suffering?We have  to use our faculty of discrimination while enjoying anything.We travel thousands of miles to holiday and end up only taking picture and videos,with no time to feel and enjoy the moment.When we have full awareness,showering and singing in the bathroom too can be enjoyable.Here we can adopt meditation as a daily practice to get control over mind,body and soul..              Fifth ,there should be a few good people in our life to make it meaningful.These are the people who make us  laugh and also stand by us in case of need.Here I would like to quote popular saying that man is known by company he keeps.They inspire good instincts in us and  make us happy.They are kind souls.They are full of wisdom.Having a few such people around makes our life worthwhile and happy.Think now and adopt enlightened living.

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