Make difference

 Think about this question, and notice how it instantly makes you feel good about yourself. What  new positive action could you commit yourself to taking every day without fail?The mere consideration of that question touches something positive ,inspiring and powerful within you..It reminds you about all the good things of which you are capable.                                             Now ,take it step further,provide yourself with a real ,meaningful answer to that question.                                     Next  imagine yourself making the commitment to do whatever you have chosen.,and  following through  on after day.Envision a new level of discipline and purpose being added to your life.                                 Again notice how good and enjoying it feels just going through the mental exercise. Then motivated and empowered by that positive feelings within,make that commitment to yourself and take the necessary action in its service. Transform that good feelings and emotions in to progress and development.. Prove to yourself what you can do,experience it.and will empower you to move forward even more .                     You are in a beautiful place  today.Enjoy and feel it.You have life,and the ability to experience all its beauty and richness.You have the opportunity to make a difference. If you focus too much on what you lack,you will blind yourself to all the good things you already have.If you worry too much about you need ,you will waste energy that could be used to create new value and standards.Spend a few moments enjoying how good  that thankfulness makes you feel.Open your heart to the beauty you can find in every little things.Open your life to new possibilities that are yours right now without any conditions or restrictions. Put a smile on your face and let it spark a little joy in your heart.: Believe in yourself and imagine you are the most powerful  and important person in the world. Universe will help you to fulfill your wish. Just ask, believe and recieve

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