Take new experience

Life has never  before been the way it is now.This is our opportunity to add a new dimension, a new level of meaning,to our experience. Even a small,simple thing can be the source of great new wonder.Even a modest action can make you more alive than you have ever been.Watch with awe and gratitude as the highest branches of tree catch a fresh breeze.What beauty, what value ,what insight can you give this moment in return?                                             A million possibilities sparkle right in front of us.Each one of them can add new substance to our life,to our world ,to all of existence.             Take full measure of what we  have ,of what we can do,of how we can be.See the goodness that can come from the choices we make.,the words we speak,the actions we take.                   Look up with eyes of amazement, step forward with passion and purpose.And live this day as the magnificent treasure that it is.                                                     I love to travel.It doesn't matter if it's for " business " or' pleasure ".I just like the act of going someplace different for a little while.It open my mind in a way nothing else can.Centuries ago ,travelling was an exotic undertaking. From history of India ,we noticed many travellers came to India ,interestingly they give the live account of the then India. And historian treat their descriptions as authentic and  relevant. Travelers were exposed to completely different cultures,and were totally cut off from their home..That is  not the case today.With the incredible advances in communication,we can travel without ever losing contact with those at home.The places we go are rarely exotic,because there is now a worldwide, interconnected culture that will serve you food and shelter of your choice,just about  anywhere.       Still travel is an incredibly mind opening experience.  We know still water rotten like wise if you stay in the same place all the time,its easy to get in a rut. You drive the same route to work.               Travelling itself is an education. We can explore whole world of knowledge.and experience by it and use it for our benefit.

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