Effort and rewards(English)

One cannot have every sensation all the time..One cannot have every pleasure,comfort,indulgence all the time.Yes ,increasingly such things are possible.But just because something is possible doesn't mean it is desirable..The enjoyable  times are enjoyable because one has gone through the less enjoyable, more difficult time to get their.If all one can ever experience was enjoyment,it would quickly cease to be enjoyable.                 One has to pay the price or one cannot possibly  experience the full benifit of the reward.One has to do the  work, make the sacrifices, invest oneself to create  an outcomes that has meaning for us.                                                           By definition, the exceptional moments are exceptional because they are rare.If we expect them all the time,and especially  if  we somehow manage to get that,we will be  miserable.                                    We have to give ourself ability to truly enjoy the feast  by not feasting all the time.The view from the mountaintop is most meaningful when you are.familiar with all that is in the valley .When someone expects to be rewarded  for no efforts.there is no effort,and thus no real reward.Not only does a particular trophy fail to confer self esteem, it actively hinders true self esteem.             The value of the reward is created by the earning of that reward.Absent the effort to earn it,the reward ,whatever form it takes,is little more than a meaningless token .Receiving praise one has not earned  makes one cynical, about oneself,about  those offering that praise,about the world in general .Repeatedly receiving material goods,one has not  earned makes us dependent, and soon enough resentful.         Efforts May fail but don't fail to make efforts. Improvise,work dedicatly  and     no doubt rewards will be yours.

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