Power of writing (English)

We have many times heard popular saying that pan is mighter than sword.In my view art of writing is the greatest art one can learn.According to francis Becon "Writing makes us exact". From the ancient times we have a written records of famous kings. Inscription of many dynasty ,makes their memories live. Memoirs of many tourist visiting our country,give the living proof of history .                                      Literature is said to be mirror of our society,We can view societies of past and present.                                             We can express our feelings by writings only.Earlier princes used to send pigeons to transmit messages. With the advent of technology, messaging becomes more easier.Artificial intelligence helps us to choose good words and grammatical,spelling errors are automatically corrected.    It is high time we can use platform, like google,blogs to promote global understanding.We have many social media platforms   from where we can spread message of love and well being of humanity in this troubled time.Great message of indian  culture that whole world is our family, can be spread across the continents.                                      I am also doing my best to.connect  globally by writing inspirational blogs. With the help of available tools,I translate these articles in languages of many  countries. I need support of you to share these ideas so that we can create global community which loves non violence and mutual understanding by power of writing.

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