Best experience (English)

It is easy to develop the feeling that one depend on certain  things to be certain ways.It is liberating to realise you don't need nearly as much as you thought.Do you really need for example, all conditions to be perfect in order to get your work done?      Many of those things that feel like needs are not not necessary. Some might just be convenient excuses rather than hard and fast necessities.           Sure,there are plenty of things and conditions that would be nice and convenient to have .Yet just because some thing is desirable does not mean it is absolutely necessary.Almost always, you can identify multiple ways to get from where you are to where you want to be.And if you don't have all you need for one route ,there will be other routes you can choose.                  When your progress is blocked by something you need  but don't have,step back and take a closer look.You are likely to find another way that free you from whatever need might be holding you back.                                     When you have a long way to go,keep going,When you've almost reached the goal,keep going.Success is achieved by those who simply do whatever it takes to keep going .All it ever takes,is taking the next step.                   When you are frustrated, make note of your frustrations and keep  going.                              The real joy is in the journey,so give yourself the joy of making that journey. Pic yourself up, again and again,.and keep going. You know full well that you can do do it.Remind yourself why you have chosen  to get there and keep  going.Your worst time will give you best experience. In future use this experience  for your benifit.

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