Global warming (English)

Global warming-It is a big problem our  global community is facing from last a few decades. For decades ,scientists have warned that the climate crisis will increase the frequency  and intensity of heatwaves. Lethal heatwaves are projected  to bring death and destruction across   the USA,Canada.Middle East,South Asia,and portion of Africa and China. The blistering heatwave in different parts of world,Therefore, is a harbinger of things to come ,for us.                (1) Heatwave are in rise:-Researches  convincingly proved a considerable rise in the frequency and severity of heatwaves from 1951 to 2015.It also revealed that the five most severe heatwaves occurred after 1950.                        (2) Fatalities are also rising:-Statistics shows that the mortality rate due to heatwaves has increased by 62.2% in the last 50 years.Even if global warming is contained to 1.5degree celcius,the consequences would be far worse if 1.5 degree celsius is breached.The frequency of severe heatwaves will increase 30 -fold  by 2100 if the global temperature increases by 2degree celsius.                            (3)Impact of warnings:-Due to these warnings, many government have made a welcome move by making Heat Action Plans.In India Ahmedabad became the first city to implement a HAP to raise public  awareness, identify high risk groups, issue heatwave alerts, and improve inter agency collaboration. State wide HAP have also been introduced in Tamil Nadu,Kerala,Maharastra and Odisha and different cities.However, overall efforts remains grossly inadequate.                      (4) Update Definition .Indian meteorological department declares a heatwave based on temperature.A heatwave is proclaimed when the  highest temperature at a  station surpassed 45degree celsius, If it exceeds 47degree,it is referred to as a severe heatwave.Heatwaves in coastal and hilly locations are declared using similar criteria.        
(5) Wet-bulb temperature :-The human body reacts to a combination of heat and humidity known as the 'wet -bulb temperature,'Which can be high even when the temperature is relatively low.Few humans can tolerate  a wet-bulb temperature exceeding 35 degree celsius because their  bodies  can no longer cool themselves.                    (6) National heat code:A heat code will outline the criteria for declaring heatwaves and will develop standard operating procedures to be used during heatwaves, such as work hour limits and relief measures in public places and hospitals. It will also help local authorities to declares an emergency, halt outdoor activities, allocate resources for heat relief.            (7) Cool our cities Our existing building codes and urban planning are worsening heatwave by magnifying the heat island effect.To reduce heatwaves we need to modify our urban planning standards and build bylaws to enhance green areas  and water bodies and promote cool roofs and green buildings. Massive afforestation should be implemented with protection plan.

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