Skills To Prosper (English)

Pandemic has made us to discover new way of learning and Earning.Here are some skills leading to a Prosperous life.      (1) Communication and emotional intelligence:-The significance of communication will never erase from our life. Communication and ability to live in a society are closely linked.These communication skills will be more scrutinised as we are living in digital world and virtual  presence  is preferred over the physical presence. Emotional intelligence is about awareness of various situation and delivering the empathy rather than sympathy.In volatile conditions like this emotional intelligence has great recognition. It will help an individual to meet the deadlines with utmost ease and perfection.                         (2)Creativity and innovation:- Since the use of digital technologies and machines have enhanced by leaps and bounce creativity and innovation will highlight the individual in a community.The creativity and innovation not only in   creation of technology but in its application is also well desired.The person having an extraordinary skill in using a machinery ,software will gain a competitive edge over his counterpart.    (3)Flexibility and adaptability :-In pandemic we have found rather constraint way of working as well as living.Flexibility and adaptability are need of hour.The person who adopts this change and who has developed competitive flexibility   and adaptability will witness greater avenues for his future. One of the reason of so much stress is that people are reluctant to face the new norms of human life and Earning.                              (4)Art and Culture:-Many Europian and other western countries have shown keen interest in culture and its creation. Information technology made it easier to sell work of art to them.                     (5) Mental health care taker:- The traditional health caretaker like doctors,nurses are going to be there. Their need also has to enhance.But in this segment we are not dealing with the traditional approach .We all are aware about the mental aspect of our health. With ever increasing competition, deadlines, stress factors,mental health have taken a lot of toll.That is why we see the yoga,Zumba ,dance and fitness practioners are growing by the day.In future also we will need more of these personnel.                          (6)Data Analytics :-Now we are heading towards the hard skills.The most desired technical skill which will be received hands on is data analytics.With everything happening on computers and mobile a gigantic data has emerged. The business stakeholders are very much interested  in this data. Management decisions and policy formulation are largely dependent  on data analytics. It is duty of data analyst to utilise data for betterment of industry and society as well.               (7)Artificial Intelligence:-One of the great challange before mankind is the artificial learning. Some of the expert even have forecasted the fear of artificial intelligence taking over human intelligence. Having said that this means that it is being widely  used.Hence the person who has mastered the art of artificial intelligence will be in demand.The ability to use the artificial intelligence to make product or service user friendly will be cherished like anything.                    (8)Cloud Computing :-This is related to IT field.In the pandemic most of the firms were inclined, towards transforming their work to clouds.The cloud services were blend  in traditional business leaving the ever increasing demand for cloud architects and cloud IT.Cloud computing has become a capable tool for cost saving for the organisation.It also has given the data control and competitiveness to business. Cloud computing is certainly worth considering professional skill.          The person having a superior skill will always have a prosperous life.So why to delay...

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