Dust Of Snow (English )

Dear students. Mother nature has always been a source of inspiration for Poets. We indian worship nature in various form Today I wish to introduce you A great poet of nature Robert lee frost.He is known for real depiction of rural life. He was 20th century poet and awarded Prestigious  Pulitzer award four times for literature.We will also discuss his poem "Dust of Snow'   (A)Central Idea of poem : One may have the worst day or time of his life, but little good thing can make it quite amazing. The crow, the Hemlock tree and the dust are some bad sign that normally make the people believe that some thing wrong is going to happen. Robert Frost attack the mis conception prevalent in society.      "The way a crow          shook down on me    The dust of snow            From a hemlock tree"    The poet felt  little shower of dust with snow when crow flapped his wing. That has made all the diffence in the day of the poet.             "Has given my heart  A change of mood     And saved some part    Of a day I had rued."          Poet enjoyed this dust of snow and his rest of day become pleasant.                         (B)Difficult word meaning (1)Hemlock :A poisonous plant               (2)Rued : held in regret                               (C) Poetical device used in poem:(a) Metaphor is used when the poet compared the falling snow flakes from Hemlock tree to dust.                                 (b)Alitretion :-It is used in the lines"Has given my heart"and "And saved some part' as some consonants are repeatedly used in those lines. Here 'h' and 's' sound is used.  (c)Assonance :It is used to show repetition of vowels in several lines of the poem.'O' sound is used in lines "Shook down on me"                          (4)Consonance :- Repetition of consonance sound "Of a day I  had rued'  here 'd' sound is used.                                 (5)Figurative Speech: Figurative speech is the language in which the words are used in the non literal sense. Like crow, hemlock tree  represent sorrow.         (5)Rhyming scheme a b a b c d c d                    Important questions  Q(1)What is dust of snow?                               Q(2) What is the central idea of poem?                            Q(3) What does Dust, Crow and Hemlock. tree symbolizes?

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