A Thing of Beauty by john keats

Poet:John Keats was born in London in the year 1975 and died in Rome in 1821 at the younge age of 25 due to illnesses. He is a romantic poet and his poetry is characterised by sensul Imagery in his most popular work which is a sense of odes. (A lyrical poem which is meant for particular subject)Today, his poems are one of the most sought after creation in English literature. The above given poetry is an excerpts from his poem,-Endymion :A poetic Romance -(1818),considered to be an epic poem......................     Background : Based on a Greek mythology about a Shepherd named Endymion, his quest for his love Diana and how in his quest, he fails in love with an Earthly maiden, who later turns out to be Diana herself.             .  . Summary :-It is a poem taken from the poem titled -Endymion-a poetic romance written by famous poet John Keats. The poet says that a beautiful thing is a source of endless joy. It has eternal beauty which never fades away. A beautiful thing is like a shady shelter which gives us a sleep full of sweet dreams, good health and relaxation.

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