Be The Friend of Friends (English)

In our day to day life,we meet many people,some some attracts and some repels us.If your office colleagues made a mistake today,will he repeat it tomorrow? If your family member was rude to you today,will he not change tomorrow?Instead of looking forward to a better tomorrow, do you jump to a negative conclusion- These people will never change !Whether we realise or not ,everyone is constantly changing, either for better or worse .This means people who gave us tough times today could leave us feeling pleasant tomorrow. We just need to take care that we change to be better-more accepting ,respectful, compassionate.Complaining and criticising deplete our energy further. Understanding that the other person might have had a bad day today.let's bless both of us;My next interaction with him will be awesome. Our vibrations uplift us and empower them.Each day is a new beginning; each hour is a fresor 
start.Lets meet people with a clean slate each time deleting unpleasant memories, perceptions  and preconceived notions from our mind. 
Whether we realise it or not ,we are all changing at every
 moment because of information, because of past experience or
because of our desire to change.We and other people are no longer who we were yesterday, last month or last year when we delete the past image of people, we perceive them fresh in each meeting.
Take a moment to prepare yourself to interact with everyone in a healthy  manner today. When you remove the filler of the impression you had created  based on your previous meeting, you see people the way they truly are today. You stop refering to the past ,so you do not influence the present  or future with the energy of the past.
By doing this you will heal yourself,heal your relationship and radiate clean vibrations. Do not search relations in life instead search life in relationship.

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