Positive thoughts (English)

Video on positive thoughtThe effect of thought on our physical health is well established. Each thought has an effect on the cells of the body.A large number of disease today are psychosomatic,which means  persistent negative emotions like stress,anger fear,hurt,mistrust,jealously, guilt,manifest in the form of disease.                                          Let us now focus on the effect of positive feelings on health.Love,peace,happiness, forgiveness, acceptance,appreciation, trust,enthusiasm-each powerful and positive thought is having an effect on the cells of our body.It is not about the right thinking when we are not well only,but it's about our thoughts at all time.Let us begin clearing our emotional blockages,past hurt     resentment,not being able to forget and forgive,it is only a thought away.The situation May have happened days or years back.but if I am able to feel that emotions even today,then I am carrying an emotional blockage,which has already begun creating a physical blockage of energy in my body.                                         When we talk about healing,we always focus on healing,the physical ailment,but if we don't remove the root of the ailment which is an emotional blockage,the physical ailment can recur.Each time we are choosing compassion over anger,forgiveness over resentment; trust over doubt;Cooperation over competition;appreciation over criticism-we are choosing health over disease.Let us be aware of every thought that we create regarding our body- whether it is about the way we look or about our health.                           Effect of positive thoughts are noticed even on water and plants by some scientists.                                           So let us detoxify mind and erase every memory of pain because detoxification of mind begins detoxification of our body. Ancient indian technique of meditation is also found helpful in it.

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