The Bond Of Love

Watch online class(like and subscribe)It is a story written by Kenneth Anderson that revolves around the emotional bond of love shared between the author's wife and her pet sloth bear. The author had rescued the baby sloth bear while he was passing through the sugarcane field near Mysore.The little bear's mother was shot dead by one of the author's companion. So the author rescued the baby bear and took him to Banglore and gifted him to his wife. She was delighted seeing the little furry creature  and tied a colour ribbon around it's neck right away and Christianed the little animal as"Bruno".
Soon, the author and his family nourished the baby bear like their own child and helped him grow along with their  pet Alsatian dogs. As Bruno was growing up, he started bonding with every one, starting with the children and the pet dogs around. He had a  bed of his own and he loved playing and running around the kitchen with other little ones all day long. However, one day, he ate some poison accidentally that was meant to kill rates. After consuming the poison, Bruno was suddenly paralysed and was rushed to the veterinary hospital for trearment. Later, he recovered back to normal. On another occasion, he drank almost a gallon of old engine oil that was meant to kill termite. But he was safe again.
As the days passed, Bruno started growing size., but he had a playful nature. Later, the author's wife changed his name name to "Baba" which meant a small boy in hindi. He learnt tricks and began entertaining everyone around him.Due to his size he was not fit to keep at home and children also feared to come near him. So most of the time he was always kept in chains.
Important questions And Answers
Question (1)Bruno once got paralysis. Why? How was he treated?
Answer:Once the author kept barium Carbonet in his library for killing rates. Bruno ate most of it. It was poison. So he got paralysis. He was taken to a veterinary doctor. He gave Bruno two injections of antidote. It cured Bruno.

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