Atomic Habit -James Clear (Book Review ) English

Click here to OrderPunch line of the Book "Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results " attracts attention of the Reader. It is also motivating to see another Punch Line below the title also attracts the attention of the reader that is"An Easy and Proven Way to build Good Habits and Break Ones. " It is also evident from the fact that book is international best seller with the 3million copies sold.
The book started with the introduction of writer. His introduction helps us to know that rich experience of writer is incorporated in book.
The book is divided in to 20 chapters. Introduction and Appendix is added additionally.In introduction it self he revealed qualiry of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits.He also declears "To write A great book, You must first become the book."
According to Clare the backbone of his book is four -step model of habits -Cue, craving, response, and reward. He has also encluded principle of Psychology "Stimulus, response, reward "and most recent term"cue, routine, reward.
Chapter 1
The Surprising Power Of Atomic Habits
He explained "Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference." In this chapter he explains philosophy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything you do.
He proved his theory by giving example of British cyclist who set nine Olympic record and seven world record. How does this happen? How does a team of previously ordinary athletes transform into world champion with tiny changes that, at first glance, would seem to make a modest difference at best? Why do small improvement, accumulate into such remarkable results, and how can you replicate this aproach in your own life.?
The Book is divided in to following chapter
The Fundamentals
This chapter deals with "the aggregation of marginal gains"The whole principle came from the idea that if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into your professional field, and then improve it by 1%, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together."
The first Law
The second Law
The third law
The 4th law
Advanced Tactics

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