India's Wheat Export Ban

Wheat sold for Rs 2400 per quintal:-Due to good demand in export ,the price of wheat has reached Rs 2400 per quintal in many local Mandi in India.Along with Annapurna-Lokvan,Wheat of Mill and Malwa Raj quality was also sold at good price . Farmers get more prize than support price.If the sent wheat stock is called back ,there will be a loss of lakhs.
Mandi grain traders of Madhya Pradesh are angry due to the ban on export of wheat.Because of this agitated farmers are going on strike.Government has stopped casual exports.Due to this the business of traders has become unstable.
Reasons Of trader's displeasure
(1) Thousands of vehicles are not getting unloaded in the Port.Wheat should be exported immediately. 
(2) Deals of traders should not be cancelled by the exporters.
(3) Due to ban of exports ,the payment of traders is halted.
(4) Companies have stopped unloading from the Port.
(4) If the goods comes back,the traders will suffer a loss of lakhs .Since due to good demand in exports ,traders have bought wheat at higher prices,In such a situation,if wheat is not exported then trouble will arise 
Breaking News 
Cost Rs 200 per Quintal  wheat is reduced
Wheat exports in India have been banned, this is a decision taken in view of the food security interest in the country, China's newspaper says that this move by India, the world's second largest wheat producer, has caused anxiety and food shortage across the world. The shortage of food grains will increase further. India, Russia and Ukraine together meet 30% of the world's wheat requirement
Government of India relaxes wheat ban order:_
Allows earlier  registered consignment with Customs
 The Government of India has announced some relaxation to its  recent order on restrictions of wheat exports.
It has now decided that wherever wheat consignment have been handed over to Customes for examination and have been registered into their system on or prior to May 13 ,such consignment consignments  would be allowed to be exported.
The Government also allowed  a wheat shipment headed for Egypt, which was already under loading at the kandla port.This followed a request by the Egyptian government to permit the wheat cargo being loaded at the Kandla Port.The Centre had earlier restricted wheat exports to manage the overall food security situation in India and to support the need of neighbouring  and vulnerable countries that are adversely affected by the sudden changes in the global market for wheat and are unable to access adequate wheat supplies.
According to the order,this restriction would not apply in cases where prior commitments have been made by private trade through Letter of Credit as well as in situation where permission is granted by the government of India to other countries to meet their food security needs and on the requests of their governments.
The order served three main purposes --ensure India's food security and check inflation.

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