Exploring the Delicious Diversity: A Guide to Testing Different Mango Varieties

Summer has arrived, and one should not miss the season's delight that is Mango.The fruit is known for its sweet taste, juicy pulp and aroma.It has been a favourite summer fruit for people,forming an integral part of our country's culture Here are some variety of high nutritional value.
Referred to as the "King of all kinds of fruits,the majestic Alphonso mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A. Sourced From Ratnagiri, Maharashtra,this variety of Mango is considered best in terms of aroma , sweetness, richness and flavour.It has a thin firm skin and a delicious pulp.The  seed is smaller than many varieties of mangoes and yield of pulp is therefore much more than in many other varieties.
Safeda or Bainganpalli:
This variety of Mango , know as "The King of Mangoes" in south India,is sourced from various regions of South India and is known for its superior quality.It has a distinctly sweet flavour and is a delightful mouthful of bursting flavour,fibre-free pulp in a pleasing golden colour.Safeda is good source of vitamin A and C .To enjoy the richness of safeda mango ,make mango kulfi or icecream.
This Mango variety is known as the "Queen of Mangoes'" because it is grown in the foothills of Mount  Girnar in Gujrat.This variety is distinguished by its distinct aroma and the colour of its pulp , which is saffrron .It is high in Vitamin A ,B6 ,C and E .The best way to use Kesar mango pulp is to make lassi and Peda.
This Mango variety is grown in Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh India.Dasheri mangoes have a fibre free ,peach -coloured pulp with a very sweet and aromatic flavour.The skin is semi thick ,smooth and leathery ,with a light green  to yellow green colouration.They are high on vitamin C and A ,as well as Zinc , vitamin E ,iron and calcium.Dashari are ideal for making pickles for moose.
Sourced from the western part Uttar Pradesh ,it a worth to taste it.When the fruit is soft ,it has a golden -Yellow colour.It has an aromatic, almost fiberless pulp that is incredibly sweet .Its distinct flavour and unique taste make it one of the most popular fruits of all variety.It is considered a perfect mango because of its sweet taste,juicy pulp,and high nutritional value .It has the highest Vitamin C content of any mango variety.
This greenish coloured mango looks like a parrot's beak and is primarily found in the south indian state of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamilnadu .This Mango variety is not sweet  and has a mild and light sour flavour.It is commonly used in Amras ,salads and pickles.It contains a lot of vitamin A and C .Make   mango chutney or cury with the tart totapuri Mango.

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