Space Technology verses Automobiles

Blogging In EnglishTechnological advancements and developments tend to trickle down from specialized use to more commercialized application.If history is anything to go by ,there is ample proof that the coolest gadgets we get to play with today once belonged exclusively to more "serious' operations,Be it High speed internet,duct tape,or sanitary napkins all all were handed to us through the commercialization of previously exclusive Technology. IN near future we all can see in our cars.
Self -driving Capabilities
Autonomous driving is no longer a figment of our. Sci-fi imagination.With increase in road use and the hazards associated with it,self -driving protocols have already begun integrating into modern vehicles.However , autonomous driving ,as we know it Today, weren't developed for civilian use.It was designed by NASA for space modules that were meant to explore the moon and Mars.
They used several types of imaging equipment and sensors to avoid obstacles and maneuver around obstacles.The same data has been coupled artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to help improve driving protocols on Earth.
Heads up display (HUDs)
We have heads -up display that is appearing more frequently in cars ,Heads up displays project vital pieces of information onto the windscreen or visor without the v affecting visibility of the driver.This enables them to receive critical information without having to take their eyes off the road.
Originally ,heads up displays were deployed for aircraft pilots for both military and domestic flying assistance. Now it can be used in cars and flying cars 
GPS And Navigation
Navigation system are rapidly becoming irreplaceable in our daily life .They have virtually obliterated the need to remember routes,and can even function without the internet enabled .This is achieved by means of GPS (geo positioning satellite) which can locate various paths between your current location and desired destination.
Carbon Fibre
Carbon fibre was initially used in making fan blades for jet engines, before it was used in automobiles.Carbon fibre remains ,by far the most powerful evolution in material sciences to date .While it is not a tangible technology in terms of interactive use, carbon fibre has been a favourite in the automotive industry for many years.
Tire Pressure monitoring System (TPMS)
Putting air in to your tires is one of the most trivial and often overlooked aspect of almost all vehicles ownership.
However amount of air in your tire plays a crucial role in determining the cushioning you have against bad roads ,while improving occupant comfort and gas mileage.
Many modern cars are now outfitted with small sensors present at the valve of your tire that relay  the air pressure information to the driver.
In order to insure that space shuttle land safely .It was important to ensure  that they did not have a flat tire .NASA hired an agency to design an appliance that would provide the exact pressure details to austronauts.Tire pressure sensors are made of a piezo -resistive material that converts pressure into electrical resistance. Resistance fluctuates with any change pressure, which is then recorded as the amount of air available in the tire.

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