Pitru Paksha( "fortnight of the ancestors") -Inspirational quotes

 Pitru Paksha (Sanskrit: पितृ पक्ष, Pitṛ pakṣa; lit. "fortnight of the ancestors") is a 16–lunar day period in Hindu calendar when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors (Pitrs), especially through food offerings.

Devotees honour their ancestors' souls on this day. The mourning period known as Pitru Paksha is observed with a number of rituals, pujas, and philanthropic activities. Additionally, it is thought that honouring the dead during Pitru Paksha contributes to their liberation or moksha.

Hindu sacred texts liberally describe that an individual can perform Shraddh for father, grandfather, paternal great grandfather, mother, grandmother, maternal great grandmother, step mother, mother's father, grandfather and maternal great grandmother, wife, son, maternal uncle, brother, father's sisters, mother's .
DO practice celibacy during Pitru Paksha if you are the one offering tarpan to your ancestors. DO feed animals like dogs, cows, and crows during Pitru Paksha. DO offer water to your ancestors while bathing. Providing water to Lord Aaryaman is also essential during the tarpan.
Raw grains are prohibited during the holy period of Shradh. Thus, rice, pulses and wheat should not be eaten during this period. It is considered forbidden to consume these food items if they are not cooked. Vegetables like potatoes, arbi and radish are also forbidden.
Alcohol, tobacco, and food like meat, onions, garlic, and brinjals should also be avoided. Avoid talking back to elders or behaving in an unkind way. Avoid performing any auspicious work during this time. Avoid wearing or buying new clothes during Pitru Paksha.
- The rituals of Pitru Paksha are ideally performed by the eldest son of the family. - The person performing the rituals should take a bath in the morning, should be bare chested and wear a dhoti. A ring made of darbha grass is then worn by the person. - Ancestors are invoked to reside in the ring and the puja starts.
2- Whenever ancestors are offered water for offering, then put black sesame, red flowers, milk and kush in it, only then they get that water. Water should always be given facing south. 3- During the whole Pitru Paksha, first of all take out food for the ancestors and feed food to cow, ant, crow, dog and Brahmin.
Pitru tharpanam done on the day of Amavasya is one such way to pay this debt. This worship procedure does not take much time and can be done within ten minutes or so. Going by the names, Pitru Tharpanam means to satisfy one's ancestors.
Shraadhs are observed from the autumnal full moon to the following Amavasya for 15 days. On this day, til, rice among other food items are offered to ancestors during sunrise, followed by puja, havan and daan. During this time, no festivities are allowed and no new things are bought.
(1) Even after death, there is an inexhaustible link in the relationship of Pitru Paksha.  So it is time to offer gratitude to them for giving us body and life - Lalit Mohan Shukla


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(1) मृत्यु के बाद भी रिश्तो की अटूट कड़ी है पितृपक्ष. इसलिए यह शरीर व  जीवन देने के लिए उन्हें कृतज्ञता अर्पित करने का समय है- ललित मोहन शुक्ला


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