Tribal Social Issues

Definitions of tribal society. a society with the social organization of a tribe. types: hunting and gathering society, hunting and gathering tribe. group that supports itself by hunting and fishing and by gathering wild fruits and vegetables; usually nomadic.

 What are the main problems of Tribal communities?

  • [1] Poverty and exploitation.
  • [2] Economic and technological backwardness.
  • [3] Socio-cultural handicaps.
  • [4] Problems of assimilation with the non-tribal population.
  • [5] Illiteracy among tribals is a major hindrance to their development.
  • After independence the tribal struggle may be classified into three groups: Struggles due to exploitation of the outsiders. Struggles due to economic deprivations. Struggle due to separatist tendencies.
  • Poverty and unemployment: Most of the tribal people are living below the poverty line. They are mainly unskilled and as such are employed at low rates. They are also exploited by the moneylenders and zamindars, who often try to occupy their land in return for loans.
  • Due to shortage teachers, tribal schools are unable to attract students and create interest of tribal students in study. Without proper training, they will not get enough knowledge, which teaching method be opted to teach particular group of students.

  • Some Suggestions to solve Tribal problem
  • [1] Assimilation is one of the ways of dealing with the tribal problems. 
  • [2] According to this solution advocated by the social reformers and voluntary organizations, assisting and encouraging the tribals to assimilate them with the mainstream of national life, can alone permanently solve the tribal problems.
  • Cause Of changes  
  • Several factors as identified by Raha and Dubash Roy which have brought about changes in the tribal culture are: measures undertaken by the government, communication facilities, spread of education, process of urbanisation, occupational mobility, community development projects, frequent contacts with the neighbouring urban people.
  • Strict laws should be implemented to abolish transfer or sale of tribal land to non-tribal people. The processes of development should not take place at the cost of tribal alienation. Government could provide financial assistance to tribal people.                                                The study points to the lack of access to productive income-earning assets, non-utilization of available resources, lack of education and equal opportunities, all serving as the main causes of poverty among Scheduled Tribes in India.

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