US Midterm ELECTIONS -2022/ Выборы в США -2022[8 November]

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"Republican on cusp of gaining US House majority."

On the cusp of touching the magic number of 218 that would give the Republicans a majority in the House of Representatives,party law maker elected Congressman Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday for the powerfull post of Speaker in the next congress beginning January.

McCarthy,who is currently the House Minority leader, would have to win a majority of the 435 members of the house next year before being formally elected as it's Speaker.The House Speaker is the second in line of political succession after the President and the vice President.

As of Tuesday night , Republican had either won or taken decisive leads in 217 Congressional districts against 206 won by the Democratic party.Tuesday afternoon,House Republicans voted 188-31 to formally nominate McCarthy to serve as the Speaker in the next Congress.He defeated congressman Andy Biggs ,Former House Freedom Caucus chairman."We are going to have the ability to change America," McCarthy said, upbeat as he entered the private meeting.He noted backing from right -flank Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Rep.jim Jordan of Ohio as part of his "vast support."

A total of 538 electors form the Electoral College. Each elector casts one vote following the general election. The candidate who gets 270 votes or more wins. The newly elected President and Vice President are then inaugurated on January 20th.

A Presidential candidate must be: A natural born citizen (U.S. citizen from birth) At least 35 years old and. A U.S. resident (permanently lives in the U.S.) for at least 14 years.

The most common method used in U.S. elections is the first-past-the-post system, where the highest-polling candidate wins the election. Under this system, a candidate only requires a plurality of votes to win, rather than an outright majority.

Today, citizens over the age of 18 cannot be denied the right to vote on the basis of race, religion, sex, disability, or sexual orientation. In every state except North Dakota, citizens must register to vote, and laws regarding the registration process vary by State

Presidential elections: Elections for the U.S. President are held every four years, coinciding with those for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate. Midterm elections: They occur two years after each presidential election.



The 2022 United States elections are an ongoing set of elections that are primarily held on November 8, 2022. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.

Democrates  38

Republicans  37 

Seats required to win  51

Americans are voting this Tuesday and the outcome of their vote will reconfigure both chambers of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate. While Joe Biden will remain president, the essential question is which party will have control of the chambers? If the Democrats lose one or both institutions, it will be difficult for the Biden administration to carry on with its legislative agenda in the two remaining years of the term. Here are the latest projections for the House and Senate.

Record voting in US mid -term polls

The united states witnessed an unprecedented early voting for the mid-terms on Tuesday as 41 million voters turned up to cast their vote, a million more than the 2018 mid terms, as both President Joe Biden and his predecessor  Donald Trump fired up the enthusiasm of the electorate to exercise their franchise in one of the most crucial ballots that has on the agenda gun control, crime, violence,abortion Inflation and high prices and threats to democracy.

More Americans have gone to the polling stations during the early voting period than in the last mid -term elections, media reports says.

The United States Election Project said, 40,114,753 early votes have been cast across the country as of Tuesday afternoon including 18,325,,513 in -person votes and 21,789,241 that had been sent in. In 2018,about 39.1 million people voted early, reports say.

'Washington post" quoted Election Project founder Michael McDonald from the University of Florida saying that this is an ongoing trend due to greater availablity of early voting"We have been on an upward trajectory of early voting from election to election, and that is because states are offering early voting more frequently or more expansively. Besides, there is very high voter enthusiasm cconsidering the issues at stake this time for the midterms. "-McDonald said

While the Republican Party is still likely to take over the House of Representatives (lower chamber), the Democrats put up a strong defence. Early results and predictions have shown that they outperformed expectations and won in a number of states, such as Pennsylvania, where Democrat John Fettermen defeated Republican candidate Mehmet Oz. Anger among the electorate over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the nationwide right to abortion helped the Democrats curb their losses, the Associate Press reported.

Trump is taking a big share of the blame for the failure of the republican Party to capitalise on the highest inflation figures in 40 years, Americans rising murder rate and what Republicans perceive as Joe Biden's under - performance as President.


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