Gayaki Dance Team

Village Asadi Block Chicholi Tribal Development Betul (MP)

Team Leader:- Koasing Uike

Coordinator:- Madan Mohan Shukla

Village:- Asadi Chicholi Betul
Tel:- 9425636773

This dance is called Gayaki dance. Thatiyan is a sub-caste of Gond tribe settled in the remote area of ​​Betul district. People of Thatiyan caste graze the cattle of the village. The houses of the village whose cattle they graze, one roti and one paav pej (made of soji) is given as remuneration from each house in the morning and evening. Their family is sustained by that.

At the beginning of rainy season when the first rain of monsoon occurs in which green grass grows in the forests. Which is called Lilpi in their local dialect. When Lilpi grows, this community becomes happy that now our cattle will be able to eat. Then this community performs a puja which is called Lilpi Puja. After the puja, the tune of flute starts and this community starts dancing under the spell. This dance continues till Diwali. After some time of Diwali, after the puja, this dance is stopped again till the rainy season begins. This dance is absolutely pure and traditional. Modernity has not been able to affect this dance.


Madan Mohan Shukla

Gaaiki Nritya Dal

Village Asadi Block Chicholi

District Betul (MP) 
(1) Thathiya Dance of Gond Tribe (2) Sapata Dance

Many tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh are full of folk songs. Madhya Pradesh is the home of both rural and primitive tribes cultures. While songs and dances are mere means of entertainment for us, for primitive tribes they are the soul of their culture. They become an essential part of their daily life. Primitive children grow up in the environment of these folk songs and folk arts. The final rites of folk songs and folk tales are clearly visible in their lives.

In 1954, the Tribal Research Institute, an undertaking of the Tribal Welfare Department of Madhya Pradesh, started working in the tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh and among the primitive cultures. Study is necessary for the social and economic development of the tribes, to keep their cultural consciousness awake so that the original and acceptable in their own folk cultures can be kept safe and its proper protection and promotion can be done. It is a matter of concern that in today's changing society, due to many external influences, not only in the villages but in the entire tribal areas, some kind of aversion towards these folk songs is developing. That is why the task of preserving the original form of folk culture in tribal areas has been taken up by the Tribal Research Institute. In Betul district, the sub-caste of Gond tribe is called Thatia. The role of the Thatia sub-caste is central to the celebration of Deepawali among the Gond tribe in the district. The main folk dance in this is called Thatia dance. The people of Thatia sub-caste graze cattle in the village. Every household in the village whose cattle they graze gives them one roti and one quarter pound (made of soji) in the morning and evening as remuneration and this is how their family is sustained.
The festival of Deepawali in the Gond tribe is completed in five stages with folk songs and folk dances. 
The first phase is Godhoni (Godhoni Tandana) Under this, men of Thatia tribe come out of their houses in groups dancing with flute and horns. Women along with them place Godhoni in a basket and keep the aarti thali with them and go to the courtyard of every house in the village and worship Godhoni while singing Godhoni songs. The shape of Godhoni is carved on the walls of every house using clay and ochre colours by women. The shape of Godhoni is made in the basket and it gives a feel of nature in which river, mountain, forest, green grass and different kinds of flowers are visible. From all this, it is clear that the Diwali of this tribe is based on nature worship and cow worship. This folk song is sung on this occasion.
Baiga niva upjan vo godhani yaya 
Harankheda upajan yaheda
Bolo neeva malik yeheda 
Bada neeva singar vo godhoni 
Chival menjo lagal ko godhoni 
Rang beged lagal vo godhoni 
Neeva rachhade godhoni yaya 
Bolo re kirsan la rachhade yaya
Godhoni vaya Lata ke yaya 
Ke jabri aarti kim ke yaya 
Meaning of the song- Women are singing and asking Godhoni Mata that from where did you originate, it seems that you originated from Harankheda, you have decorated yourself so beautifully, red-yellow marigolds, flowers, peacock feathers and colors are increasing your beauty. Godhoni Mata is coming to our courtyard. Quickly prepare the aarti and perform it for Godhoni Mata.

The second step of this is to feed Khichdi (Khichdi Tildan) On the eve of Diwali, people of every household worship the cattle and feed them Khichdi. This folk song is sung by women while feeding Khichdi.
Lado naane  naane o tado naane 
Kasera na kaida dhaniya 
Kumbha na kaikchh kadiya o mode maay
Jamdaan kaida supeli 
Pahlo aarti dharti ta our mode maay
Dusro aarti sanda na o mode maay
Saado panchi na khichadi o mode maay
Veli le sadana pulpung o mode maay 
Lathi le sadana noska o mode maay 
Sanda Na khichoda tihar vo mode maay 

Bhaav(Summary)- Bhaav(Summary)of this song is that rice of a special type of paddy which grows in forests without being sown and dal of barbati, urad dal of vine and gathloo should be cooked in a new earthen pot made by a potter and after placing pooja material and khichdi in a brass plate made by a Kasar and a new basket and basket made by Basod, the mouth of the bullocks should be washed and after worshipping, the khichdi should be fed.

Its second phase is- Kaunra Daay Suntana (Bull Run) On the day of Deepawali, in the morning, people of every household bathe their bullocks and decorate them by applying color and begad. After this, the bullocks are made to run in the streets of the village. This folk song is sung while sitting in the Chaupal.
Daiyaka daiyaka indal o soniyal motiyal
Bolo nivol maalik vo soniyal motiyal
Kirsan nivale maalik vo soniyal motiyal 
Badang -badang niva singar vo soniyal motiyal
Bindara banta jhali vo soniyal motiyal 
Kunjali banta madel vo soniyal motiyal 
Betul bajada rang begad vo soniyal motiyal
Kudo to kudo maholi apan gliya
Papi dushman dekh maholi -Hoshiyaari se khelo nandiya 
Dusro galiya maholi sumati jaao to khelo maholi
Meaning and summary 
Meaning- Women are telling the bulls named Soni and Moti through folk song that who is your owner, what all you have adorned. It seems that you are wearing Vrindavan's aali (vessel). The peacock feather of Kajlivan is on your forehead, you are looking very beautiful. While running, do not go to other's lanes, otherwise you may get the evil eye of some enemy.

Its fourth stage is Gothana Nindaana (filling the Gothan)

After running the bulls, people of every family of the village reach the place outside the village to play Dhol-Dhaya in an open place, a group of--- also reach the place dancing and playing flute, which is called Gothan Bharana. This song is sung on this occasion.
Bachhiya khilao o ahir gwale re 
Gothan khilao ahir gwale re 
Aaj se dinon o ahir gwale re
Gothan n baando ko ahir gwale re 
Godhan khundaon o ahir gwale re
Gaiya rambhaon o ahir gwale re 

Through the song, the women are telling the cowherd to catch the calf born some time ago and play with it. If you catch the calf, the cow will run to kill you and will bellow loudly. And get the cattle kept in the basket pulled by the cow's feet.

The fifth step - Muthwa Pujan

After returning from the cattle shed, the Thatia people go to the place of the village deity for Muthwa pujan, playing the flute and carrying the aarti thali in their hands. Along with them is a group of women who sing these songs.
Lyrics of song 
Jago re mutheva jago
Nivol sevak vaatol mutheva jaago re jaago 
Bara mahina se vaatol mutheva jaago re jaago 
Sindur kuku tattol mutheva jaago re jaago 
Khaja bonna tattol mutheva jaago re jaago 
Nimbu kharik Gondal shrangar tattol re mutheva jaago re jaago 
Chival menjo tattol re mutheva jaago re jaago
Bara mahina te vaatol mutheva jaago re jaago
Meaning- Through this song, women are telling the village deity that they have come to worship me. Wake up, they come only once a year and have brought along with them Sindoor, Kuku, Khaja, Bonna, Marigold flowers, Hen's Puja, Lemon as a gift for you. Please accept them and bless us.

 In this way (we will worship the village deity (Muthva), the tribal people return to their respective homes and sit with the guests and eat various types of dishes.

Madan Mohan Shukla

Village- Asaadi

Gond tribe folk dance team, village Asaadi, Block Chicholi, District-Betul, M.P.

Dance- Jhanjhpata Dance

Song- Ronji Karola hai maman desh la Karola Ronji Karola

Meaning:- In the Gond tribe, on the occasion of marriage, women perform group dance with Jhanjh (Manjira) in their hands. In this tribe, the maternal uncle's daughter is the sister-in-law. Marriage is done only with the daughter of the real maternal uncle. Through the song, the youth compares his maternal uncle's daughter i.e. his sister-in-law with the Ronji Karola fruit to his friends. Comparing Ronji Karola with a beautiful wild fruit, he says that the maternal uncle's daughter is very beautiful, but she does not even let me hold her hand.  Women perform this dance while singing songs on the beats of the drum while mocking the bride's sister-in-law. In this dance, one man plays the drum and another man plays the timki.

This drum is made by hollowing out wood and making it into a round shape like a pie and covering it with the skin of a dead goat. Similarly, timki is made into a round shape like a tabla by making it into a round shape of clay and covering it with the skin of a dead goat. Its sound is very charming and melodious. This is the main musical instrument of this tribe. In this dance, women wear their traditional attire and perform group dance wearing clothes and ornaments like lugra blouse, girdle, wakdya, khagoda, hamel etc. In this, men play musical instruments wearing dhoti-kurta, bandi (jacket) and a turban made of silk on the head.

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