Resolution 2021

 First of all let me experience the beauty of people and nature around me. I will resolve with myself that "I am a special soul who That it is full of many characteristics and qualities "Every person I meet is also beautiful and special" and I am thankful to Mother Nature who has given me such a gift of purity and beauty.
  2⃣ Let me remember just the beautiful moments of my past year, remember them in every moment of the upcoming year, love them and enjoy them! Let me always experience that I am always stable and powerful in life and life is beautiful at every stage. The negative scene is my teacher and source of strength. I accept him with simplicity and gratitude.: 3 May I interact with everyone in this year with positive, purposeful and good feelings. May I give everyone peace, love, joy, strength and joy. Let the goodness and fullness of your face be seen for everyone. Bring them closer and make your relationship beautifulvisit for 2022: (4) How can I finish the coming year in any circumstances without any reason, but how. When "why" comes, you say fly away happily. When you say "how", God knows best and when it comes to "when", then it will be in the right way at the right time. And when it comes to what to say, That time advantage will tell soon(5) Make God your dearest friend in this year. Experience your relationship with him on each day. Talk to him every day in your thoughts - say a lucky soul whose Everything is mother, father, guru, fellow God. I will illuminate each scene with love and remembrance in the coming year. So pledge that in the coming year I will learn something new every day so that I can get to know this world better and I will know how the world works.

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