
[ unity: unity among people develops a sense of harmony, love and affinity in them.  Even situations like a very hard and dark night can be won by fighting unity. Attempts to fight situations alone result in defeat, fear of danger and loss in front of a single person and  It becomes difficult to solve the blockage. And yes, when we are working in a group, then we get strength.  A power that turns even the most difficult of situations into victory. ,lt becomes easier to accept and solve any problem if we strive for them in unity.  By working in a group, not only do we win but we also become a champion.
 : My country India is a living example of this.  People from different societies, different castes, different religions live here, but they are one in the name of India.  During the Indo-Pakistan war, the Indo-China war, I have seen how the people of India demonstrated unity.  The women donated their jewels to the country.  Even today, if a soldier is martyred, then lakhs of people attend his funeral.  We also saw the result of mutual discrimination, how the kings continued to rule over us by fighting them.  The weak king, alone could not stand for long in front of the external forces and many of the same rulers won the wars due to unity.  Now we need to establish unity in the world.  "The whole world is our family" is the message of Indian culture. It need to

 spread in the world. Know how many global problems such as corona epidemic, environmental disturbance, nuclear war, terrorism, we can deal unitedlywith the people of the world. This global unity will spread feelings of harmony, success and satisfaction in people.  We must have heard the saying "unity is power".  Use this proverb to strengthen such organizations in the world which are doing the work of world welfare.  This is the time when we understand the power of unity so that we can live a more enjoyable and profitable life.
"Unity is power" is more than the adage which is also related to human history and its development.

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thank you

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