Continues Education (English)

Continuing education, one thing that always bothers me as an educationist is whether our education system is the right one to deal with the challenge of the present. Almost all of the world.  The entire education system works within a limited scope of the curriculum.  It is therefore less effective from the present point of view.  It can play an important role in tackling disasters like environmental imbalance, terrorism, epidemics.
Education is derived from Educatum which means to withdraw.  Education qualifies the person's inherent talent.  Education improves our communication skills. Effective communication helps us get out of trouble.
: Tourism is the only tool that expands children's perspective.  With this, we get to know a lot of things about the country and culture in front.  Through this, people get to know each other among the countries.  In a way, it also contributes to world peace.  The political situation between the countries also does not affect the people. A friend of mine who traveled on the road from New Delhi to London told that it is not possible for him to forget the warm welcome given by the people on the way.  . Now it comes to how continuing education can contribute in dealing with the present problem.  All universities and boards do their courses online.  And provide employment guarantee in a way. Those courses which cannot provide employment, should be discontinued.

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