purifying intellect

 All that glitters (shine) is not gold .Life present you with many illusionary scene,scene in which what May be visible May not be the truth.These scenes causes desires to be born inside you to achieve something unnecessary for our prosperity or other types of fulfilments.                                    These can be illusion that make you believe that you will gain something from a situation or person,without the same being true.                     Thus we waste time going down a path that not only leads us to disappointment, but we also waste resources of our thought and energy and as a result we get exhausted, tired emotionally and mentally.                                If the intellect is polluted, we make incorrect judgment. and are easily deceived by situation or people. Thus, it result in incorrect choices,dishonest or illogical  decisions.It leads to justifying dishonesty and improper actions. Then we will be incapable of differentiating between the real and imaginary the true and false.                                       A person with a pure,clear,clean and powerful intellect acts honesty and sincerity.When our intellect is  polluted, we May act against our own conscience or against our better judgment.. We May also be insensitive. A person with doubtful intellect will always justify a dishonest act.
: Thing is how we come out of these problems and able to make correct and rational decision. Our mind works effectively if it is in cool,calm and state of peace. Early mornings Meditation can give us effective and successful day.Meditation is the process of purifying and cleaning the intellect., because in meditation we connect with the purest intellect, the intellect of the supreme soul or God.Meditation is also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of our conscience. Being awake means to realise, and being strong means to act according to what we have realise.                                             Allocate early morning 15 minutes to yourself. Sit in a calm and comfortable position.Take deep breath and by releasing slowly concentrate in centre of your forehead.Find the point of light and by self suggestive mode connect to supreme power by way of rays of peace and power coming to you and giving you love, peace and strength . Feel the power of almighty in your own body. Sit for 15 minutes and start your day...

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