Choose path(English)

Right now you are on your way to somewhere. Are you clear about where and what it is? A vague idea about our intended destination is a starting point, but not enough. Unless you are precise about where you wish to go, there's no telling where you will end up. It is not easy to reject whole swaths of possibilities and to narrow your focus on just a few. Yet to achieve one must achieve specific things. You can have, or experience, or be anything, but you can't be everything or have everything. And you wouldn't want it anyway.  That is because much of the value and meaning of any thing is in what you must forgo in order to have it. To have every thing would be no different, or worse actually, than having nothing. So choose ,mindfully, authentically, where you wish to go, what you want your life to become. You will enable yourself to find enormous fulfilment in making it happen. Here is a day that is like no other.Here is a moment that you can fill with life.Here are treasures ready to be uncovered. Here is the opportunity to truly live.If you seek to place a judgement on this day,you will no doubt find something wrong with it.If,instead,you greatfully accept it for all that it is,you will find this day overflowing with richness. If you wait for circumstances to be perfect before moving forward, you will do much more waiting than achieving. If instead, you make the most of what you have here and now ,life will be full indeed. You are herein this place at this time. There 's something unique and wonderful that you can do with it all  let go of the thought that everything you need, everything you desire is out there somewhere beyond your reach . And you will find that it is here.

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