Good future for sure (English)

Let go of the need for anything to be different. Allow yourself to be fulfilled by everything that is.Let go of your obsession with getting. Centre your energy and awareness on being.                      Let your goals and dreams push you toward a bright and fulfilling future.But dont let them blind you to the immense abundance that is right now.                                      Work your plans,honour your obligations, and fulfil your duties. Do it all from a positive and authentic living presence.                                      Discover again and again that joy is now.Live the reality that true happiness is yours the instant you choose to let it flow from you.Live not for need,but from love.And see what a magnificent thing life already is..Today is your opportunity to live well.Decide what you are going to do with it,and then do it.Today is your opportunity to make a difference, in your own life,in the life of others.Seize that opportunity and follow all the way through on it.Today is more than just time to be passed.,situations to be endured.Today is when life is real,when possibilities are present ,when fulfilment gets done.What a  waste it would be to let all that slip by without something distinctive to show for it.Embrace your potential and then do something with it.Today will have challanges,to be sure. So be sure to make those challanges count for something good and worthwhile.                                  Feel the purpose that lives within you.Today that purpose has all sorts of great things to do.                               Our life is too precious to waste on negativity,on complaining and worrying,on resentment ,on anger.               Do the best today and future will be best for sure.

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