Good heart health (English)

Poor lifestyle and dietary choices are two of the primary causes of coronary heart disease,. While Covid -19 has impacted healthcare delivery across all specialities, cardiologists and heart surgeons have been cautioning regarding the virus impact on person's health,with or without surgery.            Cases of poor heart health are increasing rapidly in the world.Sadantary lifestyle during lock down is also behind poor heart health. If person  sees symptoms like shortness of breath,chest pain ,fatigue, then the patients is at a risk of a cardiac arrest or heart attack, if there is a severe blockage in the arteries, it is treated by angioplasty or bypass surgery.                 An angioplasty is an interventional procedure in which a stent is implanted in the patient without surgery.But sometimes even after having a stent implant,the patient  may have to face some complications. According to study, after implanting a normal metallic frame stent,there is a 15 to 30 percent  chance of it comming back .Apart from this ,the patient has to take blood thinning medicine for life,which also affects quality of life.However, to reduce all these complication ,new technology like implanted stents will dissolve in the artery after two to three years.Biodegradable scaffold stent technology is very effective in reducing the complications after angioplasty
.This stent will dissolve in the artery two or three years after it is implanted and the patient's artery will return to its natural position, says the doctor.
The biggest advantage of this to the patient is that there is no problem of affecting the functionality of artery due to the placement of the stent.On the other hand, if there is blockage back in his artery ,then he can have angioplasty again.The biodegradable scaffold stent is a technology that does  not use a metallic frame.This stent is made of polymers that will automatically dissolve in the body after two or three years of implantation. ".                          Advantages of biodegradable scaffold stents are:After the stents are dissolved, the person will not need to take blood thinners for a long time..If there is a need to do angioplasty back in the same artery in the future,then there are no problems related to having stents already.; Due to metallic stent implant,there will be no problems in test like MRI,CT scan in this stent.The patient will feel psychological relief that there is no implant in his body ".       Post operative care is very important for person with heart surgery.                           (1)Avoid deriving for a few weeks, and even riding in the car for long distances.As our body needs time to recuperate,make sure you are using pillow to prop yourself up and are supporting the delicate parts of your  chest post surgery.        (2)Do not be in a rush to head back to an intense ,high stress life.Make sure your day has periods of activity interspersed with adequate period of rest.Make sure you are working in an environment that can allow you to lie down, if need be.                       (3) Shortness of breath may be experienced for a few days..Avoid exerting,exercises and climbing stairs,and if this continue speak to a family member and your doctor, or surgeons.                          (4)It is likely that your doctor has recommended a change of diet for your post -surgery days.Make sure you follow it religiously and greens and fruits as much as possible. This will aid recovery. Strictly avoid smoking and alcohol intake.                  (5)Be proactive ,take low salt diet and use cholesterol free oil .     This artical is written for the purpose to increase awareness  However in case of trouble Consult your heart specialist.

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