Live your own life (English )

And those who were dancing were  thought tobe insane by those who could not hear the music....'".                             The biggest struggle of human existence is the idea of accepting  oneself.We are so caught up in appearing a certain up to imaginary  standards that we often loose ourselves. We put a disproportionate amount of weight on other people's opinions, living our truth and doing  our thing is a challange that has to be perfected over many years.                                The humans most capable of living their truth are probably children. They are unapologetic, unashamed and free.Why are they the  way they are?Because perhaps the  world hasn't broken them yet.The meaning of growing  up  is really loosing this freedom to be yourself.The mind becomes fogged by judgment., expectations,Most of us totally lose sight of who we really are ,some of us try to fight the fog,and very few of us are actually successful at beating it altogether. But as long as you fight it,you aren't a loser.        There will be people always who will want to impose their belief and thought on us,but these people are probably lost in the fog themselves. What if we create a free,breathable space  for our friends and family.Although, we all fight our own battle, we can help each other clear the fog by nurturing compassion in ourselves, so that we  don't find ourselves belittling, pre judging our people or expecting them to be someone that suits us.                                   There is saying' Dance like nobody is watching you'.We basically need to dance our way through our lives like no one's is watching.When we watch movies,we praise actors who are capable of doing the most ridiculous things on screen. What is awe-inspiring about their performance is actually the thought that we could never do something like this with people watching us.These actors are not afraid of looking weird, ugly or pitiful. That is what makes their performance touch our heart. Imagine if we are able to live truly honestly, without the fear of redicule,how many heart we would touch.                             If we are honest to ourselves, it gives the people around us the confidence tobe honest.But our hesitance and ostentation invokes similar response in other people and end up in a superficiality that 's toxic .Honesty,humility and truth break the barriers between people and increase human connectedness.        The truth that you wish to live is the reality for you.If you conform to other people's idea of life and what is true,you haven't lived your life but their life.I have seen the glow of contentment on older people who have lived their truth.We try and chase happiness, but it is right within us.All  we have to do it be ready to accept it.Once we accept ourselves, we have room to accept others. Others for whom it is difficult to live their truth because of social constrains.If we do away with our fear of society, we can speak up for those who don't have that luxury.                            I would like to quote here Steve Jobs who says"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone's else's life." In nutshell "Don't waste it  worrying about people's opinions either."

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