Monsoon Diseases (English.)

"Rain Rain go away" simply because the monsoon  also lowers our immunity and brings with a bevvy of diseases and dangers to our health.One needs to prepare in advance to be able to avoid these. Here are a few conditions prevalent in this season and some tips to prevent them.                                (1) The drastic fluctuations  in temprature and high humidity during this season makes one susceptible to many virus causing a cold and flu.Taking a nutritious diet and immunity -boosting foods during this time,avoiding junk food and consuming plenty of water goes a long way in protecting against viral infections. Herbal teas and warm honey water also act to protect the upper respiratory tract.Adequate sleep and physical exercise are sure shot ways to boost immunity.                         (2)/Like humans,mosquitoes, mites,bacteria, viruses and fungi also love the monsoons. It is breeding season for mosquitoes and mites which can transmit diseases like dengue ,malaria and scrub typhus.Avoid any stagnation or wate in and around our homes and encourage others to be mindful of it too.In case of a febrile illness contact your physician.                        (3)Typhoid and Hepatitis A due to  contaminated food /water also become more prevalent during this time .Use only filtered or boiled water and do not use water stored for more than 24 hours.   (4) Consume freshly cooked ,light meals.Avoid raw vegetables especially the leafy ones and check all vegetables  and fruits for mud,larvae,rot etc.before consuming. Thoroughly wash all farm produce.              (5)Funngal infections especially of the feet are another problem specific to this season. Clean and dry your feet and dry your feet thoroughly every day especially after they are soaked  with rainwater/mud.Avoid wearing wet shoes for long.         (6)Wash your clothes regularly and dry them in the sun whenever possible and /or iron them before using.This kills the fungal infections of the skin.                                   (6) For persons prone to allergies, the monsoon season may precipitate or exacerbate their symptoms. Avoid exposure to known allergies and keep prescribed anti -allergic medicines handy at all times.          Keeping these valuable tips in mind one can make monsoons enjoyable and memorable.

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