Purpose And Commitment (English)

In life we suffer many up and downs.By closing our eyes we can not escape from reality. Declining to lift a weight will not make you.stronger.Refusing to deal with a challange will not make the challange go away.Giving yourself less to do will not enable you to  get more done.Putting off your  work will not result in  accomplishment. Rise to the  challanges.Do it sooner rather than later.Your activities on any day can be easy or they can be meaningful, but not both. A week from now ,a decade from now,meaningful will bring much more richness to your world than easy.Of all your choices today, which ones will result in a new value? Go with those.The best way forward will demand much from you.This is your chance  to give it willingly,enthusiastically, and to enjoy the  goodness that flows from all you are able to accomplish.                When you  believe in something  and are committed to it,you will find a way to achieve it.Wealth and skill with no clear purpose will always,in the end,yield to the undeniable strength of an effort which is dictated  and directed by genuine commitment and belief. The challange of accomplishment. Is to build and maintain a solid connection between the mechanics of achievement and the driving purpose which compels that accomplishment.              ..It is not enough to know what you desire. You must know without a doubt and in all sincerity, why you desire it.And you must be committed to that reason,with all the best you have to give. Then it will happen.                               Look beyond the goals and get in touch with the purpose from which they spring .Put the power of belief and commitment  behind your actions. Live your purpose and you will be living very well indeed. What will you do today,that will matter tomorrow?Excitement and thrills fade,and become fond memories.

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