Cleaning Of Mind (English)

join global blogger whatsapp group I know from my childhood when Dipawali(Indian festival of lights) comes, we see huge preparation in our house holds. My mother used to believe that Goddess Laxmi(Indian Goddess of wealth) loves cleanliness. Each of us likes to have an organised life. Cleanliness and orderliness are deep rooted in our minds. So we want everything around us to be tidy-our home, office, work -desk, files on our computer or phone, our cupboard, garden and so on. Many people even have a specific cleaning schedule marked out regularly. Even otherwise, when we look around and find things lying haphazardly, we like to immediately put them in order. But how frequently do we look within and clear the internal clutter? When did we last organise our mind in a way that we can quickly access a thought or emotion we want to use.? Our mind is an enormous storehouse of right and wrong thoughts. Sometimes when we are working on an activity, the mind can be caught wandering and creating too many thoughts -either about the current task, about past experiences of a similar task, about people related to the task or about an altogether unrelated task. Even the quality of the output may become questionable. When we do not pay attention to the state of the being while doing, we may not understand why we feel exhausted or took longer to complete an activity.   Most professionals spend 8-10 hours a day at their work-place. We need to pause and observe the actual number of productive hours.     .. It is good indicator of  our emotional health in terms of the mind and intellect. Some of us are in habit of checking our phones or computers (internet)every few minutes to read messages on social media and electronic media. So not our gadgets but our mind get flooded with information.           Indian Yogic practices provide useful solution to this problems. Religious prayers also proves beneficial to control our thoughts. We feel good or bad only because of our thoughts. This Turmoils and turbulence can be done by effective cleaning of mind.

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