Value Others (English)

Our mind is always travel in past and future. When we concentrate in present, it feels joy. It is evident from games, when we make full efforts to win and then enjoy the victory. We sometimes feel positive moments, then work make good use of it and to make more of it. Don't let complacency steal your moment away. If you are stuck in a period of negative moment, break the pattern. Don't go along with a force that is holding you back.Momentum is powerful, but it is never a forgone conclusion. Be aware that moment can and does change, and be prepared to make sure those Changes work to your benefit. When moment is empowering you, apply some of that power to keep the momentum going. When moment is blocking you, disrupt that momentum so you can turn its power in more favorable direction.      Where has momentum become entrenched in your life? Ask yourself, is it helping to push you forward or threatening to push you back?                        Whatever your situation, work to bend momentum in the direction of your goals, your dreams, your intentions and values. Get momentum on your side. Keep it there, and utilise it's power to make life as beautiful and fulfilling as you know it can be.                        Every day is an opportunity to grow. How will you grow today? Every experience, whether positive or negative, gives you the chance for positive growth. Every Situation, every encounter, every victory and every defeat provides you with a way to grow stronger.              .......   With each effort you can grow more capable. With each thought you can grow wiser. As you grow, you can take the best of who you already are, and expand on it. Growth does not change you into a different person, but enables you to more fully express your own uniqueness. As you grow, you become more completely and more authentically who you are.                  Education is basically related to experience. Our activities decide our level of knowledge. Take every experience in life in positive way. Learn also from experiences of others. It is only possible when we go for authentic relationship with people.

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