The Making Of Scientists class 10th English language

U-tube class part 1Summary
The making of a scientist is a story about the leading scientist Richard Ebright. He was a curious child right from the beginning years of his life. He had started collecting butterflies in his childhood and by the time he is in second grade, he had already gathered all the 25 species found in his hometown. Also, he collected coins, fossils and rocks.. Onday his mother gave him a book named "The Travel of Monarch X" This book has been a turning point in life and introduced him to the world of science. He experienced the real science in country science fair and moreover he understood that to win something he needs to do something extraordinary.
Later, for his eight grade, he selected the assignment of finding the cause of viral sickness that killed almost all the monarch caterpillars every year. He thought that the cause for this could be a beetle, so he rose caterpillars with the presence of beetles. However, he was wrong. Next year his project for the science fair was testing the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs. His project got the first price in zoology division and third in country science fair.
Important questions and Answer
 Q(1)What opened the world of science for Richard Ebright?
Answer :-Ebright was encouraged by his mother. He kept on enriching his treasure of rocks, fossils, coins and butterflies. He collected all 25 varieties. His mother bought him a book. The Travel Of Monarch x. It opened a new world of science to him.
Question (2)Without the support and motivation of his mother, Richard  Ebright would not have been a successful scientist.'Do you agree? Elaborate.
Answer It is true that without the support and motivation of his mother, Richard 

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